Content provided by: Cindy Gibbons, Historic Site Supervisor, Red Bay National Historic Site of Canada
Your window to a rich and diverse history of the Labrador way of life
Your window to a rich and diverse history of the Labrador way of life

Photo Credit: Labrador Institute
People have lived in Labrador for 9,000 years. During this time the area has been home to a variety of cultures: prehistoric Inuit; the so-called Maritime Archaic people who have evolved into today's Innu; Europeans who came to exploit the resources of the land and the sea. For any number of reasons, Europeans decided to stay and make a home in Labrador. A new way of life and new cultures were born as they learned from their Aboriginal neighbours and adapted to the demanding environment. 21st century Labrador is a mixture of vibrant and dynamic cultural groups who share a history of reliance on the resources of the land and the sea. The Virtual Museum of Labrador invites you to explore our history and learn about the forces that have shaped Labrador and its people.
Additional Links
Additional Links
- Maritime History Archive: www.mun.ca/mha
- Memorial University Archaeology Unit:
- Museum of Civilization Website: www.civilization.ca
- Newfoundland and Labrador Heritage Website: www.heritage.nf.ca
- Provincial Archives of Newfoundland and Labrador: www.gov.nf.ca/panl
- Provincial Museum of Newfoundland and Labrador: www.nfmuseum.com
- The Rooms: www.therooms.ca
- Them Days: hvgb.net/~themdays
- Virtual Museum of Canada: www.virtualmuseum.ca
- 1800's Newfoundland: collections.ic.gc.ca/nfld