A    a


Abdomen     AKiak.

Ability         Sapinnik.

Able            Pijunnak.

Able to do it.    Pisok.

Able to do something.    Sapinngik.

Able to land.    Misok.

Able to see Tautuk.

Aboard.       Ikimak.

About to go off (the hammer in a gun: puttunga)         v. Siluppuk.

Absent, far away, gone on a trip   MaKaik.

Absent minded Ukijijuk.

Absorb humidity with an object of any kind     Nippiggik.

Accelerator.     Ilungittotik.

Accident      Pilukak.

Accidentally defecate.    Angok.

According to Bourquin there are two unâk: igimak, an articulated harpoon with separable barbed point joined to a line and nippanniut, a harpoon with a fixed point.      n. Unâk.

Accordion   Nilliajok;


Accuse         Pasiuk.

Ace (in a deck of cards) Atausilik.

Acquire        Pitâk.

Act as if half awake or stupid. v. Avângak.

Act of thievery     n. Tillinik.

Act prudently, with precaution     Itittuk.

Act roughly      Suggâlâk.

Act, speak at long intervals      Akuttuatittuk.

Active person, someone who is always busy.    Kikailak.

Add on        Ilak;


Add up...      katillugit.

Addition      Tapik.

Adopted child   Tiguak.

Advises him.    Atanniutivigivâ.

Afraid.         Itsik;


Afraid of falling, ect...    Nangiak.

Afraid to say.   kijippuk.

Afternoon   Kitigaligepat.

Afterwards   kingullimik.

Again          Suli.

Agile.          UKilak.

Agree.         Angik.

Agree to something. v. AngiKatigek.

Agree upon amongst themselves   v. UKaKatigek.

Agree with someone. Ilaliuk.

Agrees; says yes    Angittuk.

Aim             Tugâk.

Aim a gun    Ullituk.

Air filter      Onagekkutik.

Air mattress     Puvisok.

Airplane      v. Tingijok.

Airplane pilot Tingijotti.

Airplane propeller     Pautaujak.

Airport        TingijoKautik.

Airport or airstrip      Mipvik.

Alert.          v. IkKumak.

Algae           KekKuat.

Alike.          Atjik.

Alive           Omak.

All at once. Atautsikut.

All of it.      Ilonnanga.

All of it, all of them Tama.

All of them Tamatsiatik.

All of them and everyone    Ilonnatik.

All of us.     Ilonnata;


All of you.   Ilonnasi.

All shrivelled up.   kakkek.

All together.    Atautsikut.

Almighty.    AjugaKâgituk.

Almost. You or I almost got it.     Sillak.

Alone.         Inutok;


Along time ago     Itsasuane.

Alpine bear berry (Arctous alpina).    kallaKutik.

Alpine bistort (Persicaria vivipara).   Sapangalalannguak ?

Also.           Amma.

Although, despite nonetheless Unnet.

Aluminium Tingijotsajak.

Always.       Tamât.

Amazed       Tatamik.

Amazing! How fascinating! Tatannamek.

Ammunition    n. Sakkuk.

Ammunition, .22 calibre      Sakkuaguk.

Among.       Akungani.

Amount       Ununnik.

Amphibians      Nunatsuillo imak suillo.

Amulet.       Ânguak.

Anchor        kisak;

                   v. kisak.

Anchor close to the shore   Sâppak.

Ancient times. n. Itsak.

And.            Amma.

And even ... (at the start of a sentence, insistantly)     Allâluk.

Angry          Kongak;


                   v. Ningak.

Angry, mad.     Kanningajâttuk.

Animal        Omajuk.

Animal crouched to hide.     v. AKupivuk.

Animal hit by a bullet falls healong into the ground.     Poppuk.

Animal skin, pelt.      n. Amik.

Animal squats. AKupivuk.

Animal that pops it's head out of the water (ie seal)     Puisi.

Animal trap     Mikigiak.

Animal with suckling young.    v. Salliak.

Annoy         Papvisâk.

Another.     Asia.

Answer        kiuk;

                   n. Akik.

Ant             AkKalajuk.

Antenna      Uaja;

                   v. Napak.

Anthropologist     Unikkâsatsiutik.

Anticipate   Sivogak.

Antlers        n. Natjuk.

Anus.           v. Itik.

Any sun shade n. TikKiak.

Anything frozen   v. Kuak.

anything on hold in one's hand     n. Tigumiagak.

Anything that is left over.   n. Amiakkuk.

Anything that protects the eyes: visor, brim or sunglasses        Tiggiak.

Anything that's for sale Pisiatsak.

Anything used for carrying and infant on one's back    Amâgutik.

Appear.       Alakkak.

Appear        Nuik;


Apple, a loan word from English. Âppale.

Appreciate v. Kujalik.

Apron         Sailitak.

Archipelago, several nieghbouring island      Kikittaukak.

Arctic campion (Silene involucrata)   Nakasojak?

Arctic hare (Lepus timidus) Ukalik.

Ark             n. Umiatsuak.

Arm            Talik.

Aroma from cooking food   Egânnisiamek.

Arrive         Tikik.

Arrive unexpectedly v. Tikigâk.

Arrow          Katjuk.

Art              n. Sanâk.

Artery         n. TaKak.

As.              Sollu.

As it was expected to happen. Atsuilâ.

As usual. it can't be helped. Âset.

Asbestos.     Ikisuittuk.

Ash.            Atjak.

Ashtray       Sikarekkuvik.

Ask.            Apigik.

Ask for        Kinuk.

Ask on someone's behalf     kiggatuk.

Asleep (hands or feet)    kakillânatsiuk.

Ass              n. SiutikKutujok.

At another place than me. He is with some one else, not me.   Asinnepuk.

At that time.    Taitsumani.

At that time (in a remembered past).      Itsumani.

At the bottom.     Allik.

At the end. Isuani.

At the south.    Âni.

Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus)    Natannavak.

Attack         v. Pigiak;

                   v. Upak.

Attend.        Ilauk.

Attic.          Ilitjivik.

Attic           n. Kulâk.

Attract        Nagiak.

Attractive. Piguminattuk.

Aunt, on father's side.     Atsak.

Aunt on mother's side     Ajâtsuk.

Aunt on mother's side.    v. Ajak.

Author        Unikkausiliuttik.

Avenge        v. Akigiak.

Avoid hurting someone Nikasuk.

Awake.        IkKumak.

Awaken       Tupak.

Away without letting anyone know.   v. Aullaumak.

Axe             Ulimautik.

Axe handle Tukinngatik.

B    b


Baby            Nutagak.

Baby swing Kangattautik.

Baby‑carriage. n. kailluaKattautik.

Baby's bib    Manuilitak.

Baby's blanket n. Ulikupâk.

Baby's bottle.   Amâmautik.

Baby's hammock. v. Sausauk.

Baby's napkin   Nangi.

Bachelor      Nulettuk;


Back            Kulek;



Back of neck    Kimilluk;


Back of the leg from the calf to the buttock.   kingugak.

Back, spine of a bird. Kulusuk.

Back then.   Taipsumane.

Back to front or tip to toe (articles of the same kind, pencils in a box of people in a line).      kipungauttut.

Backbone, spine of any big game kujapiguk.

Backward.    n. Nalujuk.

Backwards. kingumut.

Bacon          Mannitotik.

Bad.             Piunngituk;


Bad accident     Pikaluk.

Bad ice.       n. Alutsâk.

Bad mood, angry   Kinnagiak.

Bad‑tempered v. Tapak.

Bag              v. Pok.

Bagpipes      n. Supogak.

Bait             v. Nagiak.

Bake bread   NiaKojaliuk.

Bakeapple plant before the fruit is formed. AppiKutik.

Bakeapple plant in spring before they turn red             Appitsak.

Bakeapple (Rubus chamaemorus). Appik.

Baking powder PutjusautiaKulak.

Balaclava     kenailitak.

Balcony.      Illinak.

Ball             Atsaujak;

                   v. Pattak.

Ball of string    Nuluatsajak.

Ballikater    Kainguk.

Banana, a loan word from English.     Panana.

Bandage       Mangitsik;



Bandana      Kungaseltak.

Bangs          n. Sivuk.

Banjo          Kilullagaujak.

Bank; a loan word from English.   Painke.

Bannock, stove cake or pancake   Panitsiak.

Baptism       Pattijot.

Bare spot of ground in winter snow.   Aunik.

Barely able to walk.   Pisuggak.

Barge.          kalligâk.

Barge           Usikattautik.

Bark            Kiluk.

Bark removed from a tree   Sanigavinik.

Barometer   Silasiutik;

                   n. Silanniutik.

Barrel, cask; a loan word from English.   Pâllik.

Barrener or white partridge (rock ptarmigan, lagopus mutus)    AKiggik.

Baseball bat Saute;

                   n. Anautsautik.

Baseball cap     Tiggialik.

Basin           Pogutaujak.

Bass, contralto.     Katitujuk.

Baste clothes.   kakkitik.

Bat. (Little Brown Bat, Myotis lucifugus).   Inalukak.

Bath tub      Upvavik.

Bathroom.   Anagiattuvik.

Bathtub.      Ilunnaniapvik.

Battery        n. Kuatsânattuk.

Battle ship   Umiatsuak.

Bay.            kangidluk.

Bay harp (old female Harp seal)    NuniK ?

Bay harp (old male Harp seal) Kaigulialuk.

Bay resembling a lake     n. Tasiujak.

Be in pain.   Ânniak.

Be in the way. Apviak.

Beach          Sitjak.

Beach bird (solitary sandpiper, Tringa solitaria )          Sitjagiak.

Beach greens, used for medicinal tea (Beach sandwort, Honckenya peploides) Malitjuagak.

Beachy bird or peatwheat (Spotted sandpiper, Actitis macularia)          Sullâjuk.

Bead            Sapangak.

Beak            n. Sigguk.

Bean            Pesi.

Bear berry, inedible (arctous rubra).    kallak.

Beard           n. Umik.

Beat            Tittatâk;

                   v. Tillik.

Beat a person. Ânnitik.

Beat up somebody      Ningâk.

Beat with a stick. IsakKaik.

Beaten.        v. Sâlauk.

Beating        n. Tillinik.

Beautiful.     IniKuk;


Beaver (Castor canadensis).      kigiak.

Because.      Sotagga;



Become accustomed   Sungiuk.

Become angry Kok.

Become better Piusik.

Become decayed. Auniguk.

Become dirty   Pauk.

Become dizzy. Itjanguk.

Become dry      Panik.

Become pale in the face, to appear ill     Katâk.

Become pleased    Saimmak.

Become punctured     kelak.

Become satisfied   v. Nipuk.

Become skin    Uviniguk.

Become smelly     Tippak.

Become warm. Aukkanik.

Become warm Onatsik.

Become water. Imaguk.

Become water‑logged v. Putjuk.

Become well.    v. ÂkKik.

Becomes calm (weather).     Kasuk.

Becomes strong.   Sunnguvuk.

Bed.             Illik.

Bed pan       n. Kupvik.

Bed sheet     Kakutajak.

Bedclothes. Aummitik.

Bedlamer (mature Harp seal, Pagophilus groenlandicus)            Kaigulik.

Bedroom.    Illugusik.

Bedroom     Sinipvik.

Bedspread    Milik.

Bee.             Igutsak.

Bee hive.     IgutsaujâttoKauk.

Beer; loan word from English. Piak.

Beer making container   PiaKautik.

Beetle.         Ippigunak.

Beetle          Kaugulik.

Begin           Pigiasik.

Beginning    Pigiannik.

Begins to grow.     Naulikpuk.

Behaves is such a way     Ilivuk.

Behind, in space or time.     kinguk.

Beige.          KaKuanngajuk.

Being.          n. Inosik.

Being examined.   Nausauvuk.

Belch           Nitsâk.

Belief          Tatik.

Believe        Uppik.

Bell             v. Sivanik.

Bellow in rage Ningak.

Belly‑ache Nânnguk.

Belong to.   Ilingak.

Belt             Napitâgutik;


Bend            Tutsuk.

Bend over    Ukuk.

Benign, to do good works    Takkuposuak.

Berry           v. Paunngak.

Beside.         Saniani.

Beside a mountain in any direction.   Mitsik.

Beside each other in line or rank. Siapput.

Betrays.       Kaujikkaivuk.

Betrays a secret.   kiKuivuk.

Between I0 and II o'clock.   Ailvaliak.

Between nine and ten o'clock. Senaliak.

Between six and seven o'clock.     Sepaliak.

Between the legs part of a pair of trousers, of a human body the groin area.     v. Nallikâk.

Between them, amid them, among them      Akunngani.

Between 11 and 12 o'clock.      Suvailvaliak.

Between 12 and 1 o'clock.   Ainsiliak.

Between 5 and 6 o'clock.     Sâtsiliak.

Between 7 and 8 o'clock.     Âttaliak.

Beyond side.     Ungatâ.

Bicycle; a loan word from English.     Paisikal.

Bide by or to stay Najuk.

Big.             Angijuk.

Bigness of size.     Anginik.

Bile             Sungak.

Bill              Niuvinniusik;

                   n. Akilitsak.

Billiard ball Tugautik.

Bind            Nimitsik.

Binding, cord around the body to prevent a dog from unharnessing      Mattagekkutik.

Binding material or other material used to make border on a coat or a silapâk.             Sinitsak.

Binoculars   Kinngutik.

Birch tree    Kaigulek.

Bird is moulting.   Isavuk.

Bird lands on the ground.     Mingujak.

Bird through which the angakkuk communicates with the spiritual world.         v. Angakkuk.

Bird's crop   Puviak.

Bird's nest.   Auttutak.

Biscuit         KakKojak.

Bit in an Inuit drill; bow drill and by extrention all drill bits.     n. Ikotak.

Bitch dog in heat Malikatâk.

Bitch (female dog)     Annaligiak.

Bite             kek.

Bite off pieces with your teeth      Mikiak.

Black           Kinnitak.

Black bear meat.   Adlavinik.

Black bear (Ursus americanus).      Adlak.

Black beetle     Minnguk.

Black cook bird (oidemia americans) Uvingiajok ?

Black duck (American balck Duck, Anas rubripes)        Mitilluk.

Black moss PekKappiajak;


Black moss on rocks (lichen)? Kuajautik.

Black person    Kinnitâgak.

Black skin boots. IKattilik.

Blackberry bushes PaunngâKuttik.

Blackberry (Crowberry, Empetrum nigrum)      n. Paunngak.

Blackberry dish mixed with siva sauce     Sivalik.

Blackberry dish mixed with suvak sauce Suvalik.

Blackbird (rusty blackbird, Euphagus carolinus)             Tulugannak.

Blackpole warbler (Dendroica striata)     n. Satsagiak.

Bladder        Nakasuk.

Blame          Pasik.

Blamed        Pasidlik.

Blanket       v. Kipik.

Bleached by the sun in the air   Kaggik.

Bleed.          Aunâk.

Bleed           n. Auk.

Bleed a lot. v. Aungijak.

Blessed Virgin   Majiak.

Blink           Sikunngilak.

Blister         Kâtsuak;


Blizzard       IliulluKik;


Block and tackle. AmuaKattautik.

Block up a hole     Simik.

Blood.         Auk.

Blood clot. Augiak.

Blood that has been bled.     v. Aunâk.

Blotting paper Panijuagutik.

Blouse         kiatik.

Blow            Supok.

Blow one's nose.   kakkik.

Blow out or away Supik.

Blow up (referring to meat).     v. Puvik.

Blow (wind).     n. Anugik.

Blown away by wind   Tittauk.

Blows in gusts   Anuguammijâttuk.

Blubber        Utsuk.

Blubber scrapings Katjanik.

Blue             Tunngujuttak.

Blue berry (Bilberry, Vaccinium uliginosum )    kigutanginnak.

Blueberry bushes   NagguKutik.

Blueberry type Punngajuk.

Bluebottle (blue fly)   Niviuvak.

Blunt.          Ikketuk.

Blush.          Aupallak.

Blushing.     Aupallangak.

Board          Tujummiuk.

Board.         v. Iki.

Board, plank    Sâttujak.

Boards         n. Sâttujâk.

Boat            Umiak.

Boat bailer   n. Kalotik.

Boat is driven off course.     Avalappuk.

Boat is run ashore.     Uitsapuk.

Boat line.    n. Ipiutak.

Boat rib       Tulimaujaik.

Boat seat.    Ittugak.

Bobby pin; a loan word from English.     kilippi.

Body relative to it's members or limbs    Tik.

Boil             Ajuak;



Boil dry       Titjupuk.

Boil without opening.     Sugguk.

Boiled seal meat    Ojuk.

Boiler          Ukkusik.

Bolt (to close a door or gate)   KilluKut.

Bomb          Kâjok.

Bone           Saunik.

Bone marrow   v. Patik.

Bones of from a seal's flipper   n. Tajannik.

Book           n. Unikkausik.

Book (to read) Atuagak.

Bookcase     Allatalik.

Books.         Allait.

Boot.           kamik.

Boot string n. Ungigutik.

Boots (neither legging nor socks) Tipsaluk.

Border         v. Sinik.

Border or edge killik.

Born.           Inolik.

Born            v. Ommak.

Borrow        Attasik.

Borrow.       Attatuk.

Boss.           AngajukKâk.

Both of them. Tamammik.

Both of us. Tamannuk.

Both of you.    Tamattik.

Bother         v. Ulapitsik.

Bottle          Pullaujak.

Bottle‑nosed diver (Surf scoter, Melanitta perspicillata) Suglutuk.

Bottom       Natâk;


Boulder        Ujagâluk.

Bounce        Pillik.

Bow             Pititsik.

Bow head whale (Balaena mysticus). Apvik.

Bowhead whale calf    Avak.

Bowl; loan word from English. Pollik.

Bowlegged. Illungak.

Bow‑legged. kuttungajuk.

Bowling pin      n. Anautsautik.

Boy             Nukappiak.

Boy‑friend NulettuKutik.

Boy's older brother.   n. Angajuk.

Bracelet       Talimiutak.

Bracelet.      n. Tajak.

Braces for trousers.    kiviligekkutik.

Braid           Kilitsik;

                   v. Piggaik.

Braids          Kilittik.

Brain.          Isumak.

Brain           Kagitak.

Brainless.     Isumaki.

Brake          NukKatitsiutik.

Brake shoe on a wheel.   kinatagut.

Branch        Akiguk.

Branch of river.    Avalliku.

Brands         Aumak.

Brant (Branta bernicla)   Nillinak.

Brassiere.     Amâmailtak.

Brass‑winged diver (White‑winged scoter, Melanitta fusca deglandi) Pitsiulâkpak.

Bread           NiaKojak.

Bread dough.    v. Akutsik.

Bread pan    NiaKojaliugutik.

Break          kittugak;



Break a limb     Naggik.

Break and enter.   Itâk.

Break in two    Nakak.

Break or smash     n. SiKalik.

Break something in anger    v. Ningak.

Break up      v. SiKulluk.

Breakfast cereal    Ullâsiutik.

Breast.         n. Ikiak;

                   v. Amâmak.

Breast bone Tunitjuk.

Breast of a woman (for mamilaries of female animals : mamaut. Amâmak is used generally of breasts without distinction of sex or species).        Ivianngik.

Breath.        Aninnik.

Bridge or cable car.    Ikautik.

Bright          Kaumak.

Bring a gift of food    Pajuk.

Bring ashore OR inland   Tipvak.

Bring to mind. IkKaik.

Bring to someone.     v. Âtsik.

Bronchial tubes     Nuvidluk.

Brooch        Pakallak.

Brook          n. kok.

Brooker or white partridge (willow ptarmigan, lagopus lagopus)           AKiggivik.

Broom         Saniutik.

Brother of a girl.   v. Anik.

Brother‑in‑law n. Ningauk.

Brown.        kajuk.

Brrr, l'm cold.   Ikke.

Bruise caused by a blow, bump against something OR a pinch   Tillojak.

Bubble         Pullak;

                   v. Puikkalâk.

Bubbling water.     TitsaluKâvuk.

Bucket         Kattak.

Bud of a flower     Kullungajuk.

Bug spray (insecticide)    kittugejautik.

Bull birds (Dovekie, Alle alle). Appaliatsuk.

Bullet.         Ilulik.

Bullet          v. Sakkuk.

Bump.         Apuk.

Bump on the head      kattinik.

Bump your head.   v. katik.

Bun of hair worn by the women of Labrador (hair bound behind, with small plaits in in front?)      Kummegak.

Buried in snow.     Aputjauk.

Burn            Ikualak.

Burn, a burnt part of something or someone    Onnik.

Burn oneself     v. Otâk.

Burns herself in the fire Elilikattuk.

Bury            Sauk.

Bus, a loan word from English.      Pasi.

Bush plane   Tingijokuluk.

But why on earth?     Sommi.

Butcher bird (northern shrike, Lanius borealis)             Kupanuanniut.

Butt of a rifle. Isulluk.

Butter          Patak;

                   v. Patak.

Butterfly     Sagalikitak;


Buttock       Nuluk.

Buttock of a animal. Ukpatik.

Button         Sanniguak;

                   v. Sanniguak.

Buy             Niuvik;


Buy a gift for someone   Pitsasek.

Buy beer      Piatsik.

Buzzer         n. Sivanik.

Buzzing of an insect   Imilluanik.

By himself. Imminik.

By it.           n. Sâk.

By me.        Sannini.

C    c


Cable, rope , line   Nulaujak.

Cake; a loan word from English.   v. kek.

Calendar      TakKisiutit;

                   n. Ulluk.

Calf of the leg Nakasunnak;


Calls the dogs together. Kammatuppuk.

Calm water.      Ikulliak.

Camel; a loan word form English. kamele.

Camp overnight    Sinittak.

Can (for canned food)    KukKuk.

Can hold a lot of things Ilutujuk.

Can hold only a small quantity      Ilukittuk.

Can opener Ammaigutik;


Can or bottle opener Matuitsiutik.

Candle         PakKujak.

Candlelight Service.   PakKujalittauvik.

Candy, marshmellow UKummiagak.

Cane            Ajauppiak.

Canned sardines    IKaluapik.

Canoe          Kajagiak.

Canvas        TingikKautatsajak.

Cap             v. Nasak.

Cap with a peak    TikKialik.

Cape of land     Uipvak.

Capelin, outside and bay (Mallotus villosus)      Kuleligak.

Car or bus    Motakâk.

Carbueretor Utsutumautik.

Carcashoe (Wolverine, Gulo gulo)      v. Kapvik.

Carcass.       Silu.

Care.           IkKasuk.

Cared about, valuable, precious noteworthy.     IkKanattuk.

Caribou carcass without the head and legs.   kitjattak.

Caribou fawn    Tuttuagak.

Caribou meat    Tuttuvinik.

Caribou moss    Niggagasak.

Caribou moss (Cladonia rangerferina)     NiKâgasik.

Caribou moss (cladonia rengiferina). Assut.

Caribou nose worm    n. Tagiuk.

Caribou (Rangifer tarandus) Tuttuk.

Caribou skin     Tuttujak.

caribou track going down to a lake     Nalluk.

Caribou's hind leg Mimik.

Carpenter, joiner Sanaji.

Carpenter's brace. Ikotak.

Carries by hand.    Nigummiappuk.

Carries her baby for her Amâttuajivâ.

Carrot         kaimmaKutaujak.

Carry           Natsak.

Carry.          n. Atjak.

Carry a baby on the back.    Amâk.

Carry a load     Usik.

Carry a lunch   n. TaKuak.

Carry an omen of death Kunujâk.

Carry on back. Itsuk.

Carry on one's head, shoulders.     kakak.

Carry on the back      Nammak.

Cartridge ball    n. Sakkuk.

Cartridge case   Povinik.

Carve          v. Sanannguak.

Carving of a person. n. Inunnguak.

Case, box, coffin or casket. Itsilipvik.

Castrated.    Itjuitauk.

Cat; loan word from English.    Posik.

Catalogue    Tikisaigutik.

Catch          Akuk.

Catch a ball v. Akutsik.

Catch up.     Angummatik.

Catcher in a ballgame.    Akuttatik.

Caterpillar. Aupvik.

Caucasian    Kallunâk.

Caught in a net     Nuluak.

Caught in a trap    n. Mikigiak.

Caught in anything that folds (pocket knife, hammer of a gun (but not a trap)            Povvik.

Causes a shock n. Kuatsânattuk.

Causes frustration or anger. Kosautik.

Ceiling         Kulâk.

Ceiling beam.   Ikâk.

Celebrate     Ullusiuk.

Cement       Kuajok.

Cent; a loan word from English.    Sinsik.

Centre         Kitik.

Certainly.    Âhammagik;


Chain          Kilaunnguak.

Chain brake for Kamutik runner   v. kinitagutik.

Chair.          Itsivautak.

Chamber pot    Kupvik.

Change        SuKusik.

Change expression, to appear smiling.    Allatsângotipâ.

Change liturgical vestiment (colour) v. Allatsângotipâ.

Chapel servant      kiggak.

Charge something      v. Akilitsasik.

Chase          Ullak.

Chaulking iron Kulutsitik.

Cheapest price.     Akikittuk.

Cheat          Uivigginiak.

Checkers, pawns or draughts (previously the knuckle bones of the phalanxes of the hands and feet used kin a game (phalanxes of people: Inuit forebearers were cannibals anthropophages, it is said); or the knucklebones of seal.   Inugak.

Cheek          Uluak.

Cheese; a loan word from English Sesi.

Cheque, a loan word from English.     Saiki.

Chest           Sapvik.

Chest of drawers. Amujok.

Chest or a box Itsivik.

Chest or box.   Itlivik.

Chew           Tamuak.

Chew gristle     NatakKulâk.

Chew something hard     KakKulâk.

Chew tobacco. IKimiak.

Chewing      Tamuannik.

Chewing gum    kutsuk.

Chewing tobacco. IKimmiasajak.

Chickadee (Black capped chickadee, Parus atricapillus).           Atsatâtâjuk.

Chicken       Poti‑pote.

Chicken or turkey      AKiggiKutik.

Chief.          n. AngajukKâk.

Child           Kitunngak;


Child to bed with a bottle or the breast. Atsupâk.

Child's playpen.    n. Avaluk.

Chimney     Igalik.

Chin            n. Talluk.

Chip            Milâk;

                   v. Ukik.

Chip an object.     Imikkak.

Chips of wood Ulimmakuk.

Chirping bird    Tiuttuk.

Chisel          Ulutsitik.

Chisel, etcher's tool   Ungammutautik.

Chisel used to cut a hole in the ice.    v. Tok.

Chocolate    Sukalâtte.

Choir.          Inngitit.

Choke         Kimik;

                   n. Tupik.

Chop oneself with an axe    Ulimak.

Chop up a junk of wood v. Kulluk.

Chop wood Kitjiuk;


Christened   Pattitauk.

Christian.    Uppituk.

Christmas bauble   n. Pullak.

Chubby.       Kuinijuk.

Church.       katimmavik.

Church elder.    AngijukKauKatigek.

Church festival called the love feast. Aittuivik.

Church service.     n. Sivanik.

Cigar; loan word from English.      Sikâk.

Cigarette filter.     kimmiavik.

Cigarette; loan word from English.     v. Sikarek.

Cigarette paper.    Imutsak.

Clam (soft‑shell clam, mya arenaria) Ammomajuk.

Clamps        n. Putjotik.

Clapboard    Mappilittaujak.

Claw            n. kukik.

Clay            Maggak.

Clay brick or any red earth, stone.     Ivitâk.

Clean.          Salumajuk.

Clean           Salummasak.

Clean a stove of soot      Paungijak.

Clean by scraping (ie scrapign ice off a window)           Salik.

Clean stove of ash.    Aumaijaik.

Clean the inside of a gun      Paulangik.

Cleansing‑powder soap (ie Comet). Ipejautik.

Clear.          kakiak.

Clear           v. Tippapuk.

Clear, fresh‑water ice Nilak.

Clear ice      Simmik.

Cleptomaniac   n. Tilliguk.

Cliff.           Innak.

Climb          Majuk.

Climb up      Kapvik.

Clock          SiKinngujak;


Clock is about to strike, person is ready to act, is about to act (person is menacing.)    v. Siluppuk.

Clock, time‑piece Nalunaikkutak.

Close (He closes legs of scissors, etc.)     Kommipuk.

Close or cover Matuk.

Close or nearby.    Kanittuk.

Close the curtain   Tâlsik.

Close the door Ukkuak.

Closest to us , between a distant object and us. Mitsilillik.

Cloth           Kallunâttajak.

Clothes brush   Pujugajaigutik;


Clothes closet. AnnugâKautik.

Clothes pin Pauttotik;


Clothesline.      Iniattuvik;


Clothing.     n. Annugâk.

Cloud           Nuvujak.

Clubs, in a deck cards n. kalak.

Clumsy.       Pikaluk;


Coal            Aumâluk.

Coard member.     AngijukKauKatigek.

Coasting.     Uitsâvuk.

Coat.           Jaikak.

Coat made of pieces, patches   IlaniKiak.

Cockpit.      AKupvik.

Cod fish have struck. Okkivuk.

Cod fisherman v. Oganniak.

Cod, trap fish (Gadus morhua).      Ogak.

Coffee; loan word from English.   kâfik.

Cogged wheel. n. Atjaluak.

Cogged wheel. n. Atsaluak.

Coil spring   NuKattik.

Coin, a loan word from German (silber) Silipa.

Cold            Kiujak.

Cold.           Kiujanattuk;


Cold            n. Nuvak.

Cold symptoms     Nuvak.

Cold weather.   Kiujanattuk.

Colder         Nillak.

Collapse      Ajulik;


Collapses.    Imippuk.

Collar          n. Kungasik.

Collar bone Kutuk.

Collect, gather Nuatsik.

Collect, gather .    katitsuik.

Collect shellfish    v. Nunivak.

Color           Tauttuk;


Color of face    n. Tauttuk.

Colour film n. Tauttuk.

Comb.         Ilaijak;


Come          Kaik.

Come across     Naipitsik.

Come alive n. Ommak.

Come at the right time   NâmmaKik.

Come down.     Atitsâk.

Come here   Maunngak.

Come in; welcome to my home    AteKai.

Come just under the surface of the water (fish)             Puilâk.

Come one after another Nallikak.

Come out through.     Anigotik.

Come straight up. kajusik.

Come to the surface of water (an inanimate object, a dead person or an animal)          Puggilak.

Comes ashore. Tulapiuk.

Comes down from inland to the sea. Atâttuk.

Comfortable.    Itluattuk.

Comforts someone.   Manigunnipuk.

Comics        Kimigguatuat.

Command    Tilijaugusik;


                   v. PikKujik;

                   v. Tiliugik.

Commit adultery. Asinniak.

Commit suicide     Nattik.

Committee member. AngijukKauKatigek.

Complain.   Annâtuk.

Computer (like a brain) Kagitaujak.

Conceals.     Anngijivuk.

Concern      Pitjutik;


Confesses.   killigiutsivuk.

Confidence.      Ikullak.

Confused     v. NalukKutik.

Connected. Atak.

Conscious.   v. IkKumak.

Consider too small     Sullugusuk.

Constant.    Sumâvuk.

Construction scaffolding      Kanaksak.

Container    n. Pok.

Containter made of ice for storing food Sikuak.

Continual light draught   Suvâk.

Contrary (or towards the other side, on the other side, in the other direction, the other way around). killumut.

Cook.          Igajik;


Cooked fish liver, as a sauce     Siva.

Cooking pot     n. Ukkusik.

Cooking stove, range.     kiatsautik.

Cool            Nillatâk.

Co‑operative; a loan word from English. kuapakut.

Copper.       kannuajak.

Copper, a loan word from English.     kâpak.

Copper, bronze, brass (any alloy of copper).    kannujak.

Copy           Ajugik.

Copy or mock someone.     Itjuak.

Coral (corallinacea)   Nuvidlujak.

Cord or string   Nuluajak.

Cord tying together the two sled runners (in front?)     Innigekkut.

Corkscrew   n. Matuitsiutik.

Corn cob     Kajutsajak.

Corn syrup. Inngautaujaujak.

Corned beef      Tuttuvajak.

Corner         TigikKuk.

Corridor      Ukku.

Cotton.       Annugâtsajak.

Cotton wool     Suputik.

Couch          Itsivautâluk.

Cough          Kuittuk.

Council member.   AngijukKauKatigek.

Count          kititsik.

Country       n. Nunak.

Country, native land OR place of birth (rare)   Tuggavik.

Courageous, enterprising      Matsuak.

Cousin         Katangutik.

Cover or lid      v. Matuk.

Cover with a blanket Kipik;

                   n. Ulikupâk.

Covered up Saujauk.

Covering, roof (traditionally the top of a tent)            Itsaguak.

Covet          v. Tusuk.

Cow             Tuttuvak.

Crack          Kuppak;


                   v. Pinnik.

Crack, crevasse in rock or earth    Kunnâk.

Crack in harbour ice. Âjugak.

Crack in many places, ice in the tidal zone, ivory, wood.         Kullutuk.

Cracking sound made: gun, flag flapping in the wind, chewing gum in the mouth, snow or ice that snaps underfoot NeKuk.

Crackling flame.   Nutippuk.

Cracks.        SikKupuk.

Crafty         Pinngisittuk.

Cramps        Kilujik.

Crankshaft Kummuatattuk.

Crave          v. Tusuk.

Crave for.    Itliguk.

Crawl           Pânnguk.

Crawler seal      PânnguliaK.

Crawls to a seal.    Aunniapuk.

Crazy.         Ilisimaik.

Crazy about something   v. Unik.

Cream or medication for removing warts     Unngusiutik.

Create         Pinngutik;

                   v. Sanannguak.

Creation      Pinngutitsinik.

Crew member   n. kipaluk.

Cries out.     AvâlâKivuk.

Cries out at the top of her voice. Kutsuppuk.

Cringe         Ulugiak.

Crochet.      Atausiliuk.

Crochet needle.     Atausiliugutik.

Crocheting needle      n. NitsiKattautik.

Crocodile     Kupitjualuk.

Crooked.     IKungak;


Cross           Sanningajulik.

Cross bar on a Kamutik Napuk.

Cross bill (White wing cross bill (loxia leucoptera).      IKungâluk.

Cross over. n. Ikâk.

Cross‑fox. Sunatuinnak.

Crosspieces of a seal screen.     n. Kanak.

Crossways. It is not straight.    Sanningajuk.

Crotch         Nalikkâk.

Crow (Common raven, Corvus corax)    Tulugak.

Crown         NiaKotik.

Crown of the head     katjik.

Cruise here and there, tacks in the wind SanirKiagattuk.

Crunching sound underfoot Kikkiggak.

Crush           SiKulluk.

Cry              Kiak.

Cry a lot, to continue to cry    kajumik.

Cry in pain Nimâk.

Crystaline snow that breaks down and separates and looks like rough salt         Pukak.

Crystilline lens of the eyeball. Ijagujak.

Culture.       Ilukkusik.

Cup             Kajottak.

Cup of tea   Tetuk.

Cupboard     MaggaKautik;


Cupoboard, closet Ukkuitattuk.

Cure.           v. ÂkKik.

Cure by massaging.     ÂkKitik.

Curl.            IKiasulâk.

Curly.          v. IKiasulâk.

Currants      kimminaujak.

Current (ocean or river).     Ingigganik.

Curtain        Tâlutak.

Curved or crooked     Niungak.

Cushion       Aumajuakkutak.

Cushy (three spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus OR Fourspine stickleback, Apeltes quadracus OR nine spined stickleback Pungitius pungitius)             kakillasak.

Custom.       Ilusik.

Custom        n. Piusik.

Cut              kipik;

                   v. Pilak.

Cut away to form a pattern.     Ilittisik.

Cut hair       kitjak.

Cut in half   Avittâ.

Cut off a piece.     v. Avitsik.

Cut oneself kilik.

Cut open     Sek.

Cut part       Nappakuk.

Cut straight.     Sikiupuk.

Cut up         Agguik.

Cut up into slices. AviuKaik.

Cut up meat in pieces for cooking      Odlik.

Cuts the head of wheat. Suluggaivuk.

Cutting edge of a knife   n. kenak.

Cuttle fish bone    n. SukKak.

D    d


Daddy long legs (Crane Fly)     Niulutuk.

Damn you. Itialuit.

Damp          Ailak;

                   n. Iluk.

Damp boots.    Illullek.

Dampens.    Ajuttigivuk.

Dampness on the ground from dew, fog or light rain, also sweat           v. Ailak.

Dance          Tânsittut.

Dance (European style); a loan word from English       Tânsik.

Dance, hop (dividing, opening legs and and bringing them together again)        Komik.

Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale)     Misattak.

Dandruff      n. Utuvik.

Danger.       kappianattuk.

Dangerous. Nangiannatuk.

Dare            PikKujik.

Dark.           Tâttuk.

Darken        Tâtsik.

Darn or patch. Ilâttuk.

Darning needle      Ilâttotuk.

Dart            Tok.

Date, fruit   Tupâkialojak.

Daughter     v. Panik.

Daughter‑in‑law n. Ukuagek.

Day before yesterday.     Ippasâni.

Day (24 hours)     Ulluk.

Daylight      Ullok.

Daytime star, like a planet at sunrise/sunset     Kausiut.

Dazed.         Uimavuk.

Dead person.    TuKungajuk.

Dead weight     UKumailutak.

Deaf.           n. Tusânngituk.

Deaf person.    Tusânngituk.

Deafened by loud noise   kavinguak.

Deal cards    v. Agguik.

Death          v. TuKuk.

Deceive       TilliaKattak.

Deceived     Tilliatauk.

Decoration of a garment in the chest area (beads ect.) Sapvigutik.

Decorations on an amautik Amâmiutak.

Dedicate a hymn to   v. Tutsiutik.

Deep.          Atituvuk;


Deep down. Atsipuk.

Deep snow   Maujak.

Deep (snow).    v. Maujak.

Deep voice.      Katitujuk.

Deep water.      Itijuk.

Deer's stomach insides.   n. Aluk.

Defend        Sinnigik.

Degrees on a thermometer n. Tittak.

Delicate, fragile.   Anajanattuk.

Delicious.    Mamattuk.

Delightfull! Alianavuk.

Den or any animal's hole in the ground   Sitik.

Denial         Misiannek.

Dentist        kigutiligijik.

Descendant kinguvâk.

Deserves what he gets.    Anippanâppuk.

Design         Sanasimanninga.

Desire.         kajunginnik.

Desire          katjâk;


Despair.       Inittuinak.

Despair        v. Kulalik.

Desperately wants it now (athing which he has rights to and which his is certain to obtain)      Kilanâgivâ.

Despicable. Naggunattuk.

Dessert spoon. Alutsautialuk.

Destroyed.   Asiguk.

Determined.     Atanngusivuk.

Detests.       MaKujuppuk.

Detonator   Kâttsivik.

Devotion     Unganik.

Dew             Mitsusauk.

Diamond     Ijaujak.

Diamond; loan word from English.     Taimanti.

Diamonds in a deck of cards     Sikkitak.

Diaper         Kuinngilitak.

Diaphram    Kanivaut.

Diarrhoea    Ittitannek;

                   n. Pullak;

                   v. Nânnguk.

Diarrhoea remedy      Itittananngituk.

Dice            Satsikuluk.

Did not go slow.    Sukkaingilak.

Die              TuKuk.

Die by drowning.   Imâk.

Die from suffocation n. Ipik.

Difficult.     PijagiakKutujuk;


Dig              Aggak.

Dike in a river.     kipput.

Diligent.      Attaguivuk.

Dim.            Igginaik.

Dinghy        Pullalik.

Dining room    Nigivik.

Dip, plunge into a liquid Misuk.

Dipper         Kallutik.

Dipper.        Misutsijok.

Dips several times with a cup or dipper. Kaluvuk.

Diptheria.    Iggialiginek.

Direct          Unnitotjik.

Direction.    Tukinga.

Dirt fly        Anangik.

Dirt, offal    IpKit.

Dirt or filth.     v. Ipik.

Dirty           Ainnik.

Dirty.          Ippak.

Dirty           Itjunak.

Dirty.          Salumaittuk.

Dirty man (in memory of the greasy dirt of those people who inhabited the Labrador coast. They were chased out by Inuit and fled to Greenland where they then went inland according to lengends.)   TuniK.

Dirty weather. Silanniluk.

Disappear.   Asiuk.

Disappear    Nipak;


Disappear into a hole     Pulak.

Disappointed.   v. kangâ.

Discouraged, weary, not joyful.     katalungak.

Discover      Kaujik.

Discuss        UKaKatigek.

Disease        Kanimmasik.

Disembark   Niuk.

Dish full of cooked food.     Ogittupuk.

Dish towel. n. Allagutik.

Dishes         n. Maggak.

Dislike         Nagguk.

Disobedience    Tapatunik.

Disobey       Tapak.

Disperses them     Siggittivait.

Distance      Ungasinik.

Distance covered by a boat with the power cut off.      Uitsânik.

Distort one's face.      Ipvauk.

Ditch           n. kopvik.

Dive            AkKak.

Divide.        Avik;


Divorce.      v. Avik.

Dizzy          Uitjanguk.

Do               Pik.

Do by trial and error v. Ottugak.

Do carefully     v. Pitsiak.

Do carelessly    Unnek.

Do for the first time Pigiuk.

Do it with little strength      Pitsakik.

Do on purpose v. Pijâgik.

Do quickly   Pisagaik.

Do something n. Suliak.

Do something a lot, earnestly Pillâk.

Do something on the sly     v. Pinngisittuk.

Do suddenly or accidentally      Pikallak.

Do the opposite    v. killuk.

Doctor.       Ânniasiutik.

Dodges.       Ulugiasuppuk.

Doe (2 year old female).      Nuggalik.

Does it only just, hardly, almost; still     Sirlak.

Does it quietly.     Tigikpuk.

Does not.    Pinngilak.

Does nothing . Sungituk.

Does them (treats them, takes them) one after another.          Nallikarpait.

Does what is needed to cure him or to repair it             ÂkKigasuppâ;


Dog curled up in a ball.   v. AKupivuk.

Dog food     KimmiKutitsak.

Dog harness.    Anuk.

Dog is friendly. It wags its tail.      Unavuk.

Dog other than a husky kulângi.

Dog paw.     n. Aluk.

Dog‑team v. Kimutsik.

Doll             v. Kitunnganguak.

Dollar; loan word from English.    Tâlak.

Domestic animal, pet     OmajuKutik.

Domestic help n. Pijik.

Domino       v. Ivittitâk.

Donkey       SiutikKutujok.

Don't touch. Don't do that. Anngo.

Door           v. Ukkuak.

Door lock, lock    n. Palangaigutik.

Doorknob    Ukkuigutik.

Doormat     Allugâvik.

Doormat, carpet. Aluijapvik.

Doorstep     Allugik.

Dotter (old Ranger seal) n. Kasigiak.

Doubtful      Nalunak.

Doughnut    Utsuliugak.

Dought        Kamik.

Dove           Taupek.

Down.         Tauna.

Down below.    Unani.

Down there.     kanani;


Down there toward the sea, there out at sea     Samani.

Downwards.      Ammut.

Dozing        Najangak.

Draft through the door, stove flute.   Musuk.

Drag            kaliuk;

                   v. Uniak.

Drag your feet kalikatâk.

Drain of blood.     Augitsik.

Draw           Sanannguak.

Draw string Ungigutik.

Drawings on a dickey.     n. Allak.

Dream         v. Sinnatomak.

Dreaming    Sinnatomak;


Dregs           kinnganikut.

Dress.          Atajok;

                   v. Annugâk.

Dressing gown n. Ullâsiutik;

                   n. Usinngasik.

Dried cod heads     NiaKualuit.

Dried deer fat from around the stomach kitsautik.

Dried fish    Pitsik.

Dried fish roe (eggs)   Suvak.

Dried meat Nikkuk.

Dried, partly whole fish Nalluagak.

Dried salt fish   Pitsialuk.

Dried up.     Sivatak.

Drift away   Sâttauk.

Drifting snow. Pittuk.

Driftwood    Titjaluk.

Drill holes   Putok.

Drink.         Imik.

Drink lots of water, etc. Imigak.

Drinking glass Nilaujak.

Drinking straw.     Imiutik.

Drinking water.     v. Imik.

Drinks without a cup.     Sikippuk.

Drip            kusik.

Drip on something     v. Kulliak.

Drive           Unguk.

Drive a speed boat.    AKumigok.

Driver of a car n. AKutti.

Drizzle, light rain Kisigik.

Drool          n. Kulliak.

Drop.          kataik;


Dropper      kuvisiutik.

Dropping one's trousers kivilingak.

Drum.          Anaullagak.

Drum used by Labrador shamen     n. Kilautik.

Drunk.         Âmaik.

Drunk          Talak.

Drunkenness    Talannik.

Dry. It is now dry.     Panittuk.

Dry tree with it bark still on     n. Pannak.

Dry up         Sivak.

Dry wood    Pannak.

Dubious.      Isumanappuk.

Duck           v. Ulugiak.

Duck, water fowl of any kind   Timmiak.

Duffel.         Atigitsak.

Dumbell weight     Nukkitsautik.

Dump.         Anitsivik.

Dump; loan word from English.    Tampik.

Dust            n. Sanik.

Duster.        n. Usinngasik.

Dustpan       Sanetsiutik.

Dusty. It hasn't been swept.      Sanennak.

Dwarf birch (Betula glandulosa).    Napâttugalâk? (OR AvalaKik?).

Dwarf willow bushes   Uppigak.

Dwarf willow (net‑vein willow, a plant with edible leaves used in salad, boiled in tea or as bandaids, Salix reticulata)    Kuagak.

E    e


Each one. Each time.     Atunit.

Each time.   Tamât.

Eager.          katsungaippuk.

Eagle (Bald eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus).    katjiktuk?

Eagle (Golden eagle, Aquila chriysaetos)      Nattugalik.

Ear              Siutik.

Ear ring       Siummiutak;


Ear trouble Siutiligik.

Ear‑ache Siusigik.

Ear‑drum kaviguak.

Early fall (autumn)    Ukiatsâk.

Early spring     Upinngasâk.

Earth           Silatsuak;

                   n. Nunak.

East             n. killik.

East blowing     Unanngâk.

East wind     v. Unanngâk.

Easterly wind. kanangâk.

Easy.           Pijagiakittuk;


Eat              Nigik;

                   v. Pik.

Eat meat, be carnivorous     Nikiniak.

Eat noisily   Misappuk.

Eat soup.     Alutsâk.

Ebb              Tinitsuak.

Ebb (tide).   n. Tinik.

Ebb tide       v. Tinitsuak.

Echo.          Akinitsivuk;


Edge            n. kenak.

Edge of ice Sinâ.

Edible buds and leaves on an arctic willow, rich in vitamin C (Salix arctica)      UKaujak.

Edible deer fat, sometimes dried    Tunnuk.

Edible Labrador plant ?   Kammatuk?

Edible root. v. Amâk.

Editor          n. Unikkausiliuttik.

Eel (Anguilla rostrata)    Kutjaunak.

Egg              Mannik.

Egg shell      n. Saunâk.

Egg yolk      Iktik.

Eider down n. Kuniguk.

Eider duck (Somateria mollissima)     Mitik.

Eight.          Âttat;


Ejector on a gun   Pottatuk.

Elastic         Tasijok.

Elbow.         Ikusik.

Elbows torn.     Ikuselek.

Elect.          v. Annigusuk.

Election.     Annigijaunik.

Electric beater Kaluigutik.

Electric lights. Ikumautet.

Electric lights   n. Kullik.

Electric plug (female).    kautittavik.

Electric plug (female)     n. Kuatsânattuk.

Electric plug (male). kapputittatok.

Electric plug (male)   Kamitsiutik.

Electric switch Kamigutik.

Electric toaster     Olittâgutik.

Electric wire, a loan word from English. Uaja.

Electricity   Kuatsânattuk.

Elephant.    Imattâgutalik.

Elephant; a loan word from English. Ilipvânti.

Elevated stage for storing food.    Katjululivik.

Eleven; loan word from German. Ailvat.

Elsewhere from me.   Asinevuk.

Embarassed.     Uimmâlappuk.

Embrace.     IKitsik.

Empties.      Singippuk.

Empties it out.      Navippâ.

Empty         v. Nâvitsik.

Enamel        Maggasajak.

End.            Isua;


End             Nâk.

End a sermon or speech n. Matuk.

Endearment, meaning 'precious possession'.     Piatsuk.

Enemy        Omigiji.

Engine.        Iggavet.

Engine         n. Motak.

Engine exhaust     Motapvik.

Enjoy the taste or smell Mamatsak.

Enlargement to a house Pinngak.

Enough        v. Nâmmak;

                   v. Nâmmasik.

Enough, fine, done , finished.   Taima.

Enough of food.    Tava.

Enough, sufficient      Nammatuk.

Enter.          Itik.

Enticed        v. Uigik.

Entrance     v. Pâk.

Envious, jealous.   Ipvinegusuk.

Eraser          Nungutitigutik;

                   v. Nungotik.

Erection.     v. Omaik.

Ermine, (Mustelidae erminis)   n. Tigiak.

Escape.        Pikkiak.

Eskimo curlew (numenius borealis) (a small shore bird that once numbered in the millions, it's now an endangered species not seen in Labrador for many years. Possibly extinct, although up to twenty may still remain other parts of north. The curlew used to breed in the Northwest Territories tundra. Every fall million flocked east to Ungava Bay then south along the Labrador coast on the way to south america for the summer. The bird was considered a delicacy and was hunted near extinction by the year 1900. Nests have not been found in more that 110 years. The curelew is pigdeon sized and easily confused with other larger shore birds like the appingik, (snipe), note different colours and slightly down turned beak)      Agiattojak.

Especially.   Piluattumik.

European style boot. kamialuk.

Even so.      Allât.

Evening       Unnuk;


Everlasting.      Nungusuittuk.

Everyone or everything included Iluingatait.

Evil spirit, spirit used by shamen   Tonngak.

Examine      v. Kimigguk.

Excess.        v. kavak.

Excess weight   n. UKumailutak.

Exchange    Tautsek.

Exclamation expressing hopelessness.    Tâvali.

Exclamation of surprise, astonisment. How amazing!   Ittuki.

Excursion bread    KakKojâKulak.

Exercise book. n. Allavitsak.

Exert an influence on someone, be effective    SuKutauk.

Exert oneself. v. Atsuguk.

Expect        Nigiuk.

Expect to leave.   AKaguk.

Expensive. Akitujuk.

Explain       UKagiallak.

Explained well to...    UKautjusiattâ.

Explode       Kâk;


                   v. Kukik.

Expression of sincere gratitude, much appreciation      Ekianai.

Expression: Thanks for the meal! Much appreciated! v. IKianak.

Extend one's arm.      Isak.

Extension to home    n. Ukkuk.

Eye.            Ijik.

Eye glasses. Ijautik.

Eyeball.       Ijaguvak.

Eyeball        Tukunnaut.

Eye‑lash Kimigiak.

Eyes closed Sikunngik.

Eye‑tooth Tulugiak.

F    f


Face            kenak;


Face cloth   n. Allagutik.

Face covered    Punngak.

Fade            Kunulik.

Fade (clothes). Silalik.

Fail              Sâlauk.

Fail asleep   Sinsik.

Faint           Kaujimangik;


Faith.          n. Tatik.

Fall.             v. katak.

Fall (autumn)   Ukiak.

Fall, be falling (person, not an animal)   Paksâk.

Fall down     Pâllak.

Fall down from.    Ijukkak.

Fall head over heels   Uppikâk.

Fall on ones face   Pusigak.

Fall over.     Ivikkak.

Fall over      v. Ugguk.

Fall overboard Nakkak;


Fallen on its side. Uggungak.

Falls easily. Majangavuk.

False.           Nalangaippuk.

False teeth   kigutinnguak.

Fan              n. Pautaujak.

Far.             Kaninngituk.

Fart             Nilik;

                   v. Nilik.

Fast.            Sukkajuk;

                   v. Tuavi.

Fastens forcefully.     Atsungittuvuk.

Fat.             Kuillak.

Fat on broth     Puinik.

Father.        Atâtak.

Fattening, fat or fatness Kuittisautik.

Favour.        Annigusuk.

Fear             n. Sivoganik.

Feared.        Ilimanak.

Fearful object or person.      Itsinattuk.

Feather        MikKuk.

Feathers      Kuniguk.

Feces.          v. Anak.

Fed up with the same thing Agiutsik.

Feed your animals      Nigikkak.

Feel             n. Tatsik.

Feel.            v. Ippiniak.

Feel bored or lonely   Tujummik.

Feel cold temperatures (even in a snowhouse). Kâjuk.

Feel discouraged and without hope     v. Tutsimak.

Feel drunk. v. Ippiniak.

Feel nauseated Migiannguk.

Feel one's drinks   v. Malugusuk.

Feel pricks on the feet.   v. kakillâk.

Feel sad       Tutsimak.

Feeling.       Ippiniak.

Feels great physical pain (after and illness for bad treatment)   SirliKivuk.

Feet turning inward (sc says outward)      kotuk.

Felt             Kallinitsajak;

                   n. Saiti.

Female.       Annak.

Female animal Annalluk.

Female duck or bird.   Annaviak.

Female seal n. NuniK ?

Fence.         Avaluk.

Fermented fish heads for eating.   Igunak.

Fermented oil from seal fat for dipping with meat or fish.        Misigak.

Fermented seal flipper    Utjak.

Fetal position. v. IKik.

Fetch           Aik.

Fetches snow to make water     Aputiktatuk.

Few.            Ikittut.

Fianceé (male).     Angutiksak.

Fight           v. Pâk.

Fights.         Unatannipuk.

File              n. Agiak.

File for sharpening tools      Agiak.

Fill              Tatak.

Fills.            kipviapuk.

Filter tip for a cigarette, cigar UKummigak.

Finally do something Pisinnak.

Find             Napvak.

Find a dead seal that was suffocated by a high sea.        Ipiniggasik.

Find eggs     Pikiuk.

Find fault with Nanngak.

Find it warm     kiatsiuk.

Find something difficult.      PijagiakKutujuk.

Find too small.      Amigik.

Finds him agreable.    Akaugivâ.

Fine dust      Pujugak.

Fingers or toes.     Inunganguat.

Finish          Igganaik;


Finish cooking v. Kalak.

Finishes, polished the thong he is working on. Âtsupâ.

Fir tree        Killagittuk.

Fire.            Ikumak;

                   v. Ikualak.

Fireplace made with rocks   Ikualavik.

Firing pin    Kâgautik.

Firm winter ice     Tuvak.

First.           Sivullik.

First ice in the fall     Sikuliak.

First stomach of a caribou, rumen, cud    UKummiak.

First teeth coming for a baby   kigutsivuk.

First thin ice    Kinuak.

Fish             Minnigiak.

Fish for cod      Oganniak.

Fish hawk (osprey, Pandion haliaetus)    Oganniutik.

Fish hook.   IKiattautik.

Fish hook    Katjusak.

Fish or seal net     v. Nuluak.

Fish prongs.     n. kapukKautik.

Fish scales   kavisik.

Fish‑freezing plant n. Kuatsevik.

Fishing line.     Aulasajuatik.

Fishing line n. Nuluajak;

                   n. Ujukkuajak.

Fishing line reel.   Imujiutik.

Fish‑splitter Tijatti.

Fit               Nâmmak.

Fit (clothes).    v. Tulak.

Fits well.      Nallisivijik;


Five.            Tallimat.

Five in cards.    Tallimalik.

Five; loan word from German (vier). Vinivi.

Fix.             ÂkKik.

Fix something.      ÂkKisik.

Fixes a lamp wick with a stick Taggisuk.

flag              v. Saimmatik.

Flammmable    Ikigesok.

Flap in the wind    Tittauvalak.

Flash           Kaummalak;

                   n. Pullak.

Flashlight    Naniguak.

Flat.            Mappapuk;


Flat fish or flatties (yellow tail flounder, Limanda ferruginea) Natannak.

Flat part of a caribou horn. Kallutiujak.

Flee             Kimâk.

Flesh           Uvinik.

Flint            Innippalaut.

Float           Puttak.

Float made from skin.    Avatak.

flood           n. Ulitunnik.

Floor boards     Natitsak.

Floor mat    Tulligâk.

Floor of a house    Natik.

Flooring or a rug   Alligâk.

Flour           Sanaugak.

Flow            n. kok.

Flower         Piguttuk.

Flower of a willow gone to seed 'Arctic cotton"            n. Suputik.

Fluffy dog    MikKutuk.

Flushes a bird.   Titjivuk.

Flute            Nitjaut;


Fly              Tingik.

Fly from it's nest (bird)   Pikik.

Fly in an airplane Tingijok.

Flying          Tinginik.

Fog              Nittaik;

                   v. Tatsik;

                   v. Tattuk.

Foggy          Tattuk.

Fold.            Imuk.

Folds.          Kullutsivuk.

Follow         Malik.

Food            NiKik.

Food around the mouth v. Tillinik.

Food cache Kimatulivik.

Food hanging around mouth     Tilli.

Food stuck to a container that had a meal in it.            v. Ippak.

Fool            v. Uppisâk.

Fool with someone else's property     v. Uivisâk.

Foolish.       Isumakittuk;


Foot.           Itigak.

Foot of a bed.   n. kiluk.

Foot or paw tracks     Tumik.

Football       Tukkak.

Football game n. Tukkak.

For.             Tagga;


For a long time.    Akuni.

For a long time     AkuniKa.

Forehead     v. Kauk.

Foreign language   UKavigogusik.

Foresight on a rifle    Turautik.

Forest          Napâttulik.

Forever       IssoKangitumut.

Forget         Puiguk.

Forget‑me‑nots Puiguniannangâk.

Fork.           kapukKautik.

Fortunately, just in time (used above all in negations, fortunate that we are not without game, did not drown ect.).   Anittâ!

Foundation Tunngavik.

Foundation garment, corset or girdle Kitikisautik.

Four; loan word from German (vier) Viaga.

Four objects.    Sitamat.

Four o'clock; loan word from German.    Fiarâ.

Four of them.   Sitamat.

Fox             v. Tigiganniak.

Fragment.    n. Kuppak.

Frame.         n. Avaluk.

Freeze         Kuak.

Freeze over n. Sikuk.

Freezer        Kuatsevik.

Freezing, shivering from the cold Tinnak.

Frequent.     Akulaittuk.

Friday; a loan word from German.      Fraitâg.

Fried meat. Jagâk.

Friend.         Ilannâk.

Friendly person.    Inutsiak.

Frightened   Kuatsâk.

Frightened, discouraged, knocked down (said also of earth, a stone a house.)    Kutsalâk.

Frightfully bad scare. kaggaik.

Frog (Mink frog, rana septentrionalis, found near Hopedale or Northern Leopard Frog, rana pipien found south of Groswater Bay)       Nagaje.

From down there. Unannga.

From here. Mânngat;


From over there. Tâvangat.

From them.      Taikkunanngat.

From there.      Tapvangat.

From where?    Naket.

Front           n. Sivuk;

                   v. Sâk.

Front flipper    Taliguk.

Front ribs    Sakiak.

Front side.   Sânga.

Front teeth.     Sivuak.

Front‑end loader Puaggitialuk.

Frosty.        Itjilik.

Froth           Kapuk.

Froth at the mouth    Kapulik.

Frozen liquid comes out of something as it unfreezes, appears on it's outside    PakKaK.

Fruit salad    n. Mamattuk.

Frying pan. Jagautik.

Full.             Tatak.

Full to the brim.    Ulikiupuk.

Fun to be doing. Pleasant.    KaKiannatuk.

Fungus on a tree    Pingaluk.

Funnel for pouring liquid      kusisivik.

Funnel for pouring liquid.     kuvivik.

Funny taste (seal meat). Tigganik.

Fur necklet Natsiak.

Fur trimming on hood    Nuilak.

Furious with pain (man or animal).    Kinajuk.

Further. It is further. Kaninngitugiak.

G    g


Gad fly        Taggiapuk.

Gain a lot    Sutaik.

Gain more   Pitâgiak.

Gale bird (red necked phalarope, Phalaropus lobatus)    Sâggak.

Gallon (Imperial measure). kaluni.

Gallop         Pangalik.

Game bag     Pottak.

Game where on marks traces in the frost snow to a rythmic song to define whether ... will happen: if the sequence concurs then the event will happen.         Akuttuasippuk.

Gannet (Northern gannet, Sula bassana) Nillinâluk ?

Gap             kinngik.

Gap between teeth or anything missing, deficient.        kinngik.

Garage         MotukâKavik.

Garbage       v. Sanik.

Garbage can      Pâllikik;


Garden         Pigutsevik.

Garter belt. kâtagekutik.

Garter; loan word from English.    kâtak.

Gas              Utsualuk;

                   n. Pujok.

Gas can        UtsualuKautik.

Gas cylinder     PujuKautik.

Gas line       UtsuKautik.

Gas line in an engine Utsualutotik.

Gas tank      UtsuKautik.

Gas up         Utsek.

Gather.        v. katik.

Gather         v. Ungik.

Gee, ooh, ah, etc. Ajai.

Gem in a ring, bezel   Ijaujak.

Genitalia      v. Kuik.

German; a loan word from English.    Jaman.

Germy food or drink Kanigasak.

Get a splinter   Sukkik.

Ghost, spirit of the dead.     Ijuguk.

Giant.          Inuppak.

Giddy.          kaitjanguk.

Girafe; a loan word from English. Sirâti.

Girl              Niviatsiak.

Girlfriend     UiggasuKutik.

Girl's older sister. Angajuk.

Give.           Âk;


Give            Aittuk;



Give a gift on a special occasion. Âtsinguak.

Give a speech   v. UKâlak.

Give it (seal skin) as someone's share of the kill           v. Kitsik.

Give out to many people.    Aittuik.

Give up hope    Kulalik.

Give up in discouragement   Sapilik.

Give up something that you had planned to do             v. Kunulik.

Giving instructions     Tilitlinik.

Glad             Pijugik.

Glass.           Igalâtsajak.

Glass material from a bottle     Pullaujavinik.

Glass, tumbler, cup.    Inngusik.

Globe           Silatsuanguak.

Glove          Aggajâk.

Glowing coal (no flame).     Aumaku.

Glue             Nipitik;

                   Nipititsiutik ?;

                   v. Nipitik.

Glutton        n. AKiaguk.

Gnaw           kikkak;


Go after someone Upak.

Go against a head wind    Agguk.

Go ahead. I don't mind. Try harder. Keep on going.     Atsot.

Go ahead, keep on trying!   Ate.

Go along.     v. Ilauk.

Go and notify. Appâk.

Go and tell someone off Upattuk.

Go around and around.    kaivaluak.

Go around in circles   Uitjâk.

Go around once.    kaivallak.

Go away.     Aullak.

Go backwards   kinguppiak.

Go crossways    Sanimok.

Go down      v. AkKak.

Go fast        Sukkalik.

Go from a boat OR from ice to land   v. Tulak.

Go from place to place. Apvitak.

Go home.    AngiKak.

Go in           v. Pulak.

Go on one side v. Uniutsik.

Go out.        Anik.

Go over there. Aunngak.

Go past        Kângik.

Go sliding    Situgannguak.

Go that way.    n. Aunâk.

Go though, wind or draught going through clothes or a a wall   Suvik.

Go to church    Sivanniak.

Go to listen Nâlagiak.

Go to meet Paggiak.

Go up in the air.    Kummuak.

Go up there Paunngak.

Go with the wind. AKumik.

Go with the wind   UKumik.

Go without hesitation.    v. kajusik.

Goat            Nannanâk;


God; loan word from English.   koti.

Godmother v. Tigumiak.

Goes in, enters Akunnatuk.

Goes out through. Aniguvuk.

Goes through the throat.     Sullukoppuk.

Going to start the fire     Ikualagiasijuk.

Gold; a loan word from English.    kolti.

Goldeneye (barrow's goldeneye, Bucephala islandica)    Amek?

Gone.          Nunguk.

Gone a long time. Akunek.

Gone out.    MakKaipuk.

Gone to see if any boats are coming. Nasigiajuk.

Good.          Piujuk.

Good clean water Imitsiak.

Good! let's go out.      Anittâ!

Good manners.      IlusiKatsianik.

Good name.      n. Atitsiak.

Good news. Tusannituk.

Good part.   Piunik.

Good, without fault strong   Nakuk.

Goose (Canada goose, Branta canadensis)    Nillik.

Goshawk (Northern goshawk, accipter gentilis)            Kiggavik.

Gossip         v. UKâlautiKak.

Government; loan word from English.    kavamanti.

Governor.    Atanigusik.

Grandchild. Inngutak.

Grandfather.     Atâtsiak.

Grandmother on father's side.   Ânak.

Grandmother on mother's side.     Anânsiak.

Granite        n. Kaittuk;

                   n. Ujagak.

Grape          Paunngaujak.

Grapefruit; a loan word from English.     n. Alansi.

Grasp           PuKik.

Grass (sea lyme‑grass, Lemus mollis). Ivitsukak.

Grass work   Ipviugak.

Grasset (sedium telephium) n. UtsuKammak.

Grasshopper (tetrix brunnerii?)     Pillitak.

Grave.         Iluvik.

Gravel         Ujagalak.

Graveyard.   Iluvipvik.

Gravy          Kajuk.

Graze           Niginâk.

Great! Marvellous!     Nuti.

Great‑grandchild. Inngutatjusâk.

Great‑grandfather. Atâtsiajusâk.

Great‑grandmother on mother's side. Anânsiatjusâk.

Greedy. He is greedy. Pigumatujuk.

Green.         Iviujak.

Green boughs    Kisittotik.

Green house     PigutsiaKapvik.

Green tree   Ommak.

Greet           Salutitsik.

Greeting of old friends; nice to see you again! Ilitannamek.

Greeting, salutation.   Salutitsinik.

Grenadier     Ijipvak.

Grenfell cloth or any cloth used to make outer windproof covering for coats. Silapâtsajak.

Grey duck (mallard, Anas platyrhynchos).   Ivugak?

Grey hair     v. Kek.

Grey. It is grey.     Sinannak.

Grey wolf (Canus lupus).      Amaguk.

Grinds.         MuKetsivuk.

Grindstone. kaivittuk.

Gristle, a source of calcium NatakKuk.

Groin.          Ilutak.

Groove        koguk.

Ground        n. Nunak.

Ground shark (Greenlandic shark, Somniosus microcepahlus?) IkKalutsuak.

Grow           Piguk.

Growl once (dog) Kalinguattuk.

Grub; lunch TaKuak.

Grumpus (minke whale, Balaenoptera acutorostrata)    Pamiuligak.

Guarding      Utjitunnik.

Guess correctly     Nalautsik.

Guest           Tujummiak.

Guide           Kaujimanni.

Guideline     n. Maligatsak.

guitar           v. Kilullagak.

Guitar or violin string     NuKatsigak.

Gull (glaucous gull, Larus hyperboreus).   n. Naujak.

Gull of any kind    Naujak.

Gulp            Niutsik.

Gulp down   Mamammek.

Gums.          n. Ikkik.

Gun             Kukiutik.

Gun barrel    Kukiutitak.

Gun‑powder. v. Atjak.

Gush            Puilak.

H    h


Habit.          n. Ilusik.

Habit           n. Piusik.

Hacksaw.     kikianniutik.

Had enough.     Alingik.

Hagues.        Itillimak.

Hagues         v. UKumangik.

Hail             NatakKunak.

Hail stone    v. NatakKunak.

Hair             Nujak.

Hair curler. IKisolittiutik.

Hair drier.    IKisolittigivik.

Hair net for a woman     Nuluannguak.

Hair ribbon Kilatsiutik.

Hair seal (Ranger seal)    Kasigiak.

Hairbrush     Niugautik.

Hairy lousewort (Pedicularis hirsuta) Utjunnak.

Half.            Apvak.

Half hour.    Apvak.

Ham            n. UKaujak.

Hammer      Ujagatsiak.

Hammer, detonator of a gun    Pottatuk.

Hand           v. Aggak.

Hand lotion      Aggasiutik.

Hand on a clock    Tikkuatotik.

Hand saw     killotik.

Handbag, briefcase     Tigumiagak.

Handle         Tigutsivik.

Handle.        v. Ipuk.

Handle of a pot or stove.     Ippik.

Handle of an ulu (woman's knife) kimattotik.

Handling.     Tatsenik.

Hands are behind his back.   kikengavuk.

Hands in pocket    kaummik.

Handsome male.   Angutitsiak.

Handwriting; a way of writing. Allausinga.

Hang           Nivinngak.

Hang clothes on a line.   Iniattuik.

Hang up laundry.   IniukKaik.

Hang up to dry      Panitsik.

Hanging       Nivingak.

Hanging decoration (lead or beads)on the bottom of a women's parka PiKKuti.

Hangs down.     Nulluapuk.

Hankerchief     Allagutiagulâk.

Hankerchief.    kakkigutik.

Happy         Kuviasuk.

Harbour ice Siku.

Hard.           Silliuvuk;


Hard bread   KakKojâluk.

Hard dirty skin      Maunak.

Hardworking    IKinnaik.

Harmonica Kanippalotik;


Harness a dog. n. Anuk.

Harp            Hâpvik;


Harpoon      Aivinniutik;



                   n. Naulak.

Harpoon head Tokkak.

Harpoon point      Akkik.

Harpoon thong for a seal harpoon     Alik.

Harpoon with a fixed foreshaft and detachable head for hunting on the sea ice.            v. Unâk.

Harpoon with a fixed point.     Nippanniut.

Harpoon with moveable foreshaft (used from a Kajak)             Igimak.

Has a headache.    NiakKigijuk.

Has come down.    Atâppuk.

Has enough.     Sillipuk.

Has good eyesight, sees far. Tappituk.

Has hunger pangs.      Niaguppuk.

Has pain.     Nunannetlapuk.

Hasty.         Upaluttupuk.

Hatchet       Tillak.

Hate            Omisuk.

Hatred         Omisunnik.

Haul            Uniak.

Haul a sled   Kimuk.

Haul nets     Nullutjiak.

Haul oneself out of the water   Kakik.

Have           PitaKak.

Hawk (rough legged hawk, buteo lagopus)    Kinnuajok.

Hawk (Rough‑legged hawk, Buteo lagopus) Pitsiulânniutik ?

Haydown or bawk (Greater shearwater, Puffinus gravis)            KaKulok.

Haze.           Isigiak.

He adds several pieces to it.      v. Ilâttuk.

Head            NiaKuk.

Head down in something      v. Punngak.

Headwind     Aggunak.

Heal            MaKik;


Healthy person.    Atsuilik.

Heap of stones.     Tuapâk.

Hear            Tusak.

Hearing aid Tusâgutik.

Heart           Ommatik.

Heartbeat    Tillinik.

Hearts in a deck of cards      n. Ommatik.

Heat            kiak;



Heated red hot, becomes a firebrand, an ember (coal, iron, wood) is .   Aumauttuk.

Heater         kiappalotik.

Heathen      Nalujuk.

Heating oil kiatsautisiutik.

Heaven        n. Kilak.

Heaviness    n. UKumainnik.

Heavy.        UKumaittuk.

Heel            kimmik.

Height.        Takinik.

Helicopter   kâllikatta.

Hell.            Ikumatsuak.

Hell             kappianattupvik.

Help.           Ikajuk.

Help oneself.    Isumammek.

Helper.        Ikajuttik.

Hem            Pigik.

Hemorrhage.    Aungijak.

Hen             A‑a‑âk.

Herb with spoon shaped leaves: chochlearia.    Kunguliujak.

Here.           Mâni;


Here            Tamâni.

Here.           Uvani;


Here. Put it here. Maunga.

Here! take it! catch it!   Akka.

Herring (Atlantic herring, Clupea harengus). [kavisilak = has many small scales]          kavisilak.

Herring gull (larus argentatus)   Nautsajak ?

Hesitates to do something from fear, from timidity, he is afraid of doing something because of someone, in front of someone.             v. kijippuk.

Hex.            n. Angakkuk.

Hey! Listen! (2nd person plural of the exclaimation aigoK)     UkuKsi.

Hiccough.    Eggapâk.

Hiccoughs    NiKitugak.

Hide oneself.    Iggujik;

                   n. Ijik.

Hide something.    Ijitsik.

Hides it.       Ijerppâ.

High.           kingippuk.

High chair   Itsivavik.

High hill      v. Natsak.

High tide     n. Ulik.

High tide (extreme)   Ulitunnik.

High up.      Kutsipuk.

Higher than him   Timâni.

Highest.       Kalipâk.

High‑tuned. Kataittuk.

Highway.     AkKusinialuk.

Hill              KakKak;


Hinge          Kivittautik.

Hip              Makitik.

Hip joint (where the femur joins the pelvis).    kotsik.

Hip‑joint Sipviak.

Hips            kotsinâk.

His house.    Illunga.

His teeth chatter from cold Alligulâjuk.

Hit              Pinnik;

                   v. Pik.

Hit, beat, crush, pulverize or kick.     v. katjâk.

Hit something with an object. Anauk.

Hit the nail on the head kauk.

Hitting        Uvigainik.

Hoarfrost    KaKunnak.

Hockey puck; a loan word from English.     n. Pâk.

Hockey puck, ball      Anautsagak.

Hockey stick.   Anautsautik.

Hockey stick    Pattautik.

Hold            Tigumiak.

Hold a wedding      katititsik.

Hold between the teeth   kemmiak.

Hold each other.   Tigumiagutivok.

Hold on       Najummik.

Hold on lap Salliak.

Hold the same position. Manimmik.

Holds it to himself.    Nunuvuk.

Hole.           Iluk.

Hole            killak;

                   v. Putuk.

Holy.           Hailiggi.

Holy communion; a loan word from English.   kumuniuni.

Home.         Angiggak.

Home          TukKavik.

Home.         v. AngiKak.

Homesick    v. kipik.

Honey         v. Nipittâk.

Honey, a loan word from English Kani.

Hood           kukuk.

Hood of a Kulitak for carrying a baby     Amautik.

Hooded seal (Cystophora cristata)     Natsivak.

Hook.          IKiak.

Hook a jigger or anchor on the bottom of the sea        Nitsik.

Hook foot and trip    Nâtlek.

Hook for hanging clothes    Kangattaivik.

Hook in.      v. Nâk.

Hops on one leg.   Nânngipuk.

Horizen of that which is huge , distant, immence.        SarKatujuk.

Horn           Natjuk.

Horned lark (Eremophila alpestris)    Kupanuakpak.

Horned owl (Great horned owl, Bubo virginianus).        Ikketujok.

Horsehead (Grey seal, Halichoerus grypus). Apa.

Horse's bit. kemmiagak.

Hospital      Ânniasiupvik;


Hot             n. Onak.

Hot.            n. Onattuk.

Hot choclate (cocoa)      koku.

Hot, give off heat (sun, stove) PakKâk.

Hot spice     Onannatuk.

Hot water bottle   Onatsiutik.

Hotel.          Tujummiuvik.

Hound (Old Squaw, Long‑tailed duck, Clangula hyemalis) A‑Ângik.

Hour            n. Sitontik.

Hour, a loan word from German (stunde)     Situnati.

House.         Illuk.

Hover.         Autsâk.

How annoying, too bad. Tamalupâ.

How beautiful it is! If only I could...   Immali.

How disgusting!     Kuinalupa.

How good this tastes!     Mamak.

How many?      Katsinik.

How unfortunate! Oh dear...     Sinnaungamek.

How vain!   Pisittungi.

Howl           Moggok.

Hudsonian curlew (whimbrell, numenius phaeopus)       Appingik.

Human body hair n. MikKuk.

Human skin.     Amik.

Humility      Manigotinik.

Humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) rare.         n. Apvik.

Hunger.       kânnik.

Hungover.   kavak.

Hungry.       kâk.

Hunt caribou    Tuttusiugiak.

Hunt game   Omajutsiuk.

Hunting knife, lancet.     Pilautik.

Hurry          Tuavi.

Hurt.           Ânnik;


Hurt the elbow.     Ikutsiak.

Husband.      n. Angutik.

Husband       v. Uik.

Hymnbook.      n. Allak.

I    i


I don't know.    Âtsuk.

I hope so! I hope that will Come true.    Âhatok.

I know.        Sokiak.

I thought that. Usemmalu.

Ice breaker Sikusiutik.

Ice breaks in spring.   Tuvaik.

Ice cube       n. Sikuk.

Ice duck (Old Squaw, Long‑tailed duck, Clangula hyemalis)? Aggek.

Ice has drained.     Tippapuk.

Ice pan.       Sikuk.

Ice partridge or ice gull, immature ‑ sea partridge (ivory gull, Pagophila eburnea). Naujalluk.

Ice skate.     Annikittuk.

Iceberg        PiKalujak.

Iceland Gull (larus glaucoides)   Naujasigak.

Icicle           kusugak.

Icing            kemesok.

Icy surface   n. Simmik.

Idol.            n. Inunnguak.

If possible.   Ajunnangipat.

Ignorance    Nalunik.

Ignorant.     n. Nalujuk.

Imitate        v. Ajugik.

Impetigo, scab, or eczema. kalak.

Imprison     Pannanaik.

Improved, remade or to get better from an illness        Nakutsik.

Impudence. Tatitusânnik.

In its direction.     Nalâni.

In sight.       Satsâk.

In that direction. Tâgunga.

In the middle.   Akullik.

In the north.    Tâvani.

In the way   Akailutak.

In two years.    Aggâguagu.

Incence       Naijak.

Inch; a loan word from English.    Insik.

Inconsistent, not fixed   Nakilitsik.

Increase       Pivalliak;


Indentation.     Ititsak.

Index finger     v. Tikik.

Inflate         Puvik.

Infrequent. Akuttujuk.

Ingredient to make something sour: spice    Sennasaut.

Inherits.      kingunngujivuk.

Inject.         kapisik.

Ink, a loan word from English (tint) Tiniti.

Ink; loan word from English.    Inkik.

Inland country n. Nunatsuak.

In‑law Sakik.

Inn.             Tujummiuvik.

Innu            n. Allait.

Innu.           v. Allak.

Insect found on mouldy things UkKuk.

Inshore ice Kunnik.

Inside.         n. Iluk.

Inside it.      Iluani.

Inspect.       Kimigguk.

Instrument for unblocking a gun. kaillot.

Insufficient for... Inutsituk.

Insults him Suappâ.

Insurance.    Insuaransik.

Intelligent. IsumakKutujuk.

Intend to do     Piniak.

Intentionally.   PijâkKumik.

Intentionally caused someone to die from suffocation.             Ipitsik.

Interpreter Tusâji.

Interpretor UKatti.

Interrupt     Ulapitsik.

Intestine.     Inaluak.

Intestines and other inner organs.      n. Iggavet.

Inuit church cap    Nasâtsuk.

Inuit dance. n. Âlluasiak.

Inuit dance n. Ukaliatsiak.

Inuit decendant with mixed blood.      n. Kallunângajuk.

Inuit dog.     Kimmik.

Inuit drum   Kilaut.

Inuit nuts, starchy rhizome eaten on sapangalalannguak (bistort)         n. Uppigak.

Invade         Tikigâk.

Invite.         Inak.

Iron             Manitsautik.

Iron or steel.    n. kikiak.

Iron sled runners   Piggâk.

Ironing        v. Manitsak.

Ironing board   Manitsaivik.

Irons...        Manitsaik.

Is that so! I see.    Asu.

Island          Kikittak.

Island in river. AvakKutak.

Isthmus.      Ipiutâk.

It bursts open. Siggilippuk.

It can't be helped...    Ajunnamat.

It doesn't matter. Kujana.

It grew.        n. Piguttuk.

It is cold.     Nillinattuk.

It is dead.     TuKungajuk.

It is good, fine practical Akauvuk.

It is simple. Ajunnangituk.

It is still undecided.    Akunnasivuk.

It is very difficult.      Ajunnatuk.

It was assumed that ....    Usemmalu.

Itch             Ungilak.

It's inside.    Ilua.

Its other. The one different from this one. Asinga.

Its under side.   Atâ.

J    j


Jack in a deck of cards, a loan word from English (spades)        Sipetti.

Jacket          v. Ulik.

Jail              Pannanaitsimavik.

Jam finger, etc.     Semik.

Janitor         Salumatsaije.

Janny          n. Nalujuk.

Jar (ringed seal, Pusa hispida)   Natsik.

Jaw              Talluk.

Jawbone.      Itsak.

Jealous.        Itluigusuk.

Jelly fish      OgganiKinik.

Jelly; loan word from English. Jilik.

Jellyfish. (ctenophora, comb jellies)   Ippiasojak.

Jet aircraft   Sukkajukuluk;


Jet plane      Tingijogâluk.

Jewelry ring      Kitidlimik.

Jig.              Aulasak;


Jigger           Aulsautik;

                   n. Katjusak.

Job              n. Suliatsak.

Join.            katik.

Join on        v. Uiguk.

Joined on to something. v. Atak.

Joint of seal's back flipper   SikKuk.

Joker in cards   Joka.

Joker in cards (formerly the spirits that assisted the shaman). n. Tunngak.

Jokes.          Mitappuk.

Joy              Kuvianak.

Joyful, happy. Iggettuk.

Judge.          Itluatsaik.

Judge, magistrate. Itluatsaijik.

Judged.         Itluatsatauk.

Jug; loan word from English.    Jakkik.

Jump           Misik.

Jump from ice‑pan to ice‑pan Maujagak.

Jump out of the water once (fish) v. Puilak.

Jump over   Minngik.

Jump up and down      Misittak.

Jumper (White‑Beaked Dolphin, Lagenorhynchus albriostris). Âlluasiak.

Junk of firewood   Kitjiugak.

K    k


Kamutik bridles     v. Pituk.

Keel            Kullusuguk.

Keep from doing   Pittailik.

Keep mouth shut. Ipummik.

Keep poking    Kaulik.

Keep shouting KuKugak.

Keep throwing Milluk.

Kelp type of edible seaweed (alaria kelp, Alaria esculenta ) [Inuit eat centre stem 2‑3 centimetres wide] kuannik.

Kerosine      n. Utsualuk.

Ketchup      Ojuttotik.

Kettle          Katsiugutik;



Key             Pegutik;

                   v. Palangaigutik.

Key of a wind instrument    Nenillâgak.

Kick            Tukik.

Kick repeatedly    v. Tukkak.

Kidney        n. Tattuk.

Kill              TuKutsik;

                   v. Pinnik.

Kill a seal.   Anguk.

Kill through intense emotion, provocation, or insanity            n. Ugiak.

Killed          TuKutauk.

Kind.           Takutsuapuk.

Kind or friendly    v. Pitsiak.

Kindling      Ikualasautitsak.

King.           Atanik.

King eider (male, Somateria spectabilis) Amaulik.

King in a deck of cards (the old man.)    n. Ittuk.

Kiss             kunik;


Kitchen.      Igavik.

Knap‑sack Nammautak.

Knee           SekKuk.

Kneel          SekKutuk.

Knife           v. Savik.

Knit            Tajaliuk.

Knitting needle     Tajaliugutik.

Knock.        Avaluttak.

Knock away several times with a hand or foot.            SaKittak.

Knock down     SaKitsik.

Knock unconscious.   Avâk.

Knocked out.   v. Avâk.

Knocks.       Aviluttapuk.

Knoll           Katsitak.

Knot in a tree n. Akiguk.

Knot in wood   PigiaKak.

Know          Kaujimak.

Known thing. She is known.     Kaujimajaujuk.

Knuckle, joint Nagguak.

L    l


Labrador Tea (ledum pulustre) MamaittuKutik.

Lace            Putulapâk.

Ladder         n. Majotik.

Lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush).    Idlok.

Lamb           Saugâtsuk.

Lamb's wool     Saugajak.

Lament       Ugguak.

Lamentation    Ugguanik.

Lamp wick Mangittak;


Lamp wick (made of striaght moss fibers piles together)          Manik.

Lance (Atlantic sand eel, Ammodytes americanus)       Amajak.

Land            Mik;



Land animal     Nitjut.

Land from water   Timmuak.

Landward side. kangia.

Language     UKausik.

Language of the Inuit people.   Inuttut.

Lap, where one carries something      kinik.

Larch          Pingek.

Lard or shortening     Kalunik.

Large building   Nuvugusilik.

Large lake   Tasipvak.

Large ship   n. Umiatsuak.

Larger or smaller snowhouse opening into a porch or the snow house proper. SirluaK.

Lark, sky lark n. Kupanuakpak.

Lash things onto a Kamutik     NaKitagik.

Lassie (immature square‑flipper seal) Utjuasuk.

Lasso           Napitsik.

Last agony, in the spasms of the agony of death          Ketik.

Last kick of a dying animal.     Tukkalituk.

Last night.   n. Unnuak.

Last one.     kingullipâk;


Last year.    Aggâni.

Lasts a long time. The distance is long. Sivituvuk.

Lasts a short time.     Annikippuk.

Late for an appointment.    v. kingugaik.

Later.          Siagu.

Later on, in a little bit ( of time) Kilamik.

Laugh.         Ijuk.

Laugh at someone.     IjotiKak.

Laugh hysterically or for a long while.    v. Âk.

Launch a boat Singik.

Law             Maligatsak.

Lazy.           IKiasuk.

Lazy            IKinnauk.

Lazy.           Munnguk.

Lead.           AKittuk.

Lead            Sivulik;


Lead material   Sisak.

Leader.        n. AngajukKâk.

Leak.           Inngak.

Leaky.         Immaguak.

Lean            Egangak.

Lean.           Saluttuk.

Lean on its side.    Uggungak.

Lean on something    Ajappâk.

Leans forward. Augappuk.

Learn.         Ilik;


Leather gloves.     n. AikKavaugak.

Leather thong Nulak.

Leave behind.   Kimak.

Leaves of mountain avens (numbs the tongue).            Atungaujak.

Left.            Saumik.

Left out.      kikitaKappuk.

Left over.    n. Amiakkuk.

Left‑handed. Saumik.

Leftovers.   Amiakkuk.

Leg              v. Niuk.

Leg of object    Niuluk.

Legendary old man under the ice   n. kautak.

Lemming.    Ivinngak.

Lemon; a loan word from English.     n. Alansi.

Length.       Takinik.

Length of time.    Sivutunik.

Lengthways.     Tukimovuk.

Lengthways      Tukingak.

Less             Ikinnisat.

Let me see. Nauk.

Lets his head nob back and forth or to the left and right: an old person ect.     IliKittamâppuk.

Letter.         Allagak.

Letter in the alphabet     n. Allak.

Letters.       n. Allait.

Level (instrument)     Uvingagekkutik.

Lever.         Itjutâk.

Lever, pincers Kinnisoti.

Lick out      Alupâk.

Lie back and relax      Niggalangak.

Lie down.    Inillak.

Lie down     Nalak.

Lie on one's stomach      Pâmmak.

Life.            n. Aninnik.

Life‑saver Puttagutik.

Lift             Kangattak;

                   v. kivik.

Light.          Akisuppuk;


                   n. Ikumak.

Light           v. Kaumak.

Light a stove    kiatsak.

Light bulb    n. Pullak.

Light. It is not heavy.    UKittuk.

Light up.     n. Atsanik.

Lighted.       n. Ikumak.

Lighter; a loan word from English.     Laitak.

Light‑footed. UKilak.

Lightning    v. Kaummalak.

Like.           Aliagik.

Like            Piugik.

Like.           Sollu.

Like a person. n. Inuttut.

Like it already.     AtsiKagettuk.

Like the taste or smell    Mamagik.

Like them. Taikkutitunak.

Like this.     Imâk.

Limb.          Avat.

Limb that has been stiffened by the breaking of a bone.           v. Tummak.

Limp           Tusiak.

Line made from dried sealskin.      v. Alik.

Lining.        Ilupiagutak.

Linoleum flooring      Natitsajak.

Lion            Luivik.

Lipstick       Aupaluttâgutik;


Liquid.         n. Imak.

Liquid soap Maggaligiutik.

Liquor.        Imialuk.

Listen          Nâlak;


Listen! (exclamation)     Omât.

Listen! Hark.   Nâla.

Little bit.     ketakuluk.

Little cord added to the end of a dog whip to make it crack.     Sulugak.

Little finger.    IKikKuk.

Little room, can hardly move. Ipviliuk.

Little white creatures in mouldy spots    UKuK.

Liver           Tinguk.

Living‑room Pulâpvik.

Load a gun. Ilullituik.

Loafs.          Attajappuk.

Loan           Akilitsak;


Loaning thing. Attatugauvuk.

Lock           Palangaik.

Lock someone out     Palangaigutik.

Long           Takijuk.

Long beaked or muzzled animal.   Siggutojok.

Long for something attractive.     Piguminattuk.

Long grass. v. Ivik.

Long sleeved mitten. AikKavak.

Long tailed jaeger (Stercorarius longicaudus).    Isungak.

Long to accompany someone v. Ungak.

Long‑stalked starwort (Stellaria longipes). Miggavik?

Look after   Mianitsik;

                   v. kamak.

Look after something.    Ilimagivâ.

Look at       v. Kimigguk.

Look at magazines.    Kimigguak.

Look backwards at oneself   Sanigak.

Look cross Mitanngik.

Look for     v. Kinik.

Look in the mirror    Taggatuk.

Look near above   Tappika.

Look slyly   Kitsimigâk.

Look up.     Âlluk.

Looks around from a hilltop.   Nasipippuk.

Looks at a point fixedly for a long time      Ukijijuk.

Looks at him from the side, across and through him, not respecting him.        SanirKungajuk.

Looks like him, has him as a model. Itjappâ.

Loon (Gavia immer) Tollik.

Loose tobacco SiKalik.

Loosen        v. Kasuk.

Loper (Short‑eared owl, asia flammeus). Nuilatok.

Loppy         n. Mallik.

Lord.           Nâligak.

Lord and lady (Harlequin duck, Histrionicus histrionicus).         kotsiutik.

Lose.           Asiujik.

Lose            v. Sâlauk.

Lose breath.     Aninnegutik.

Lose consciousness    v. Kaujimangik.

Lose one's mind.   Isumaitsik.

Lose weight      v. Salulik.

Lost.           v. Asiguk.

Loud.           NipakKutujuk.

Loud distant noise, like thunder.   v. Ivuluk.

Loud‑voiced. NipakKutujuk.

Louse          kumak.

Louse egg (nit)      v. IKik.

Lovable.      Nallinak.

Love           Nalligik;

                   n. Tatik.

Lover          n. NulettuKutik.

Low.            Pukkituk.

Low tide      Tinik.

Low tide (exceptionally low)    Tinitunik.

Lower belly, pubis of an man beast or fish. (see nâk)    v. Agiak.

Lower by rope n. Ningik.

Lower jawbone.     Alliguk.

Lower part of the door in a Inuit house (the threshold, doorstep of a lower half door).      v. katak.

Lowness      Pukkinik.

Lube oil       Lomikek.

Lube oil; a loan word from English.    Lopi.

Lull a baby to sleep    Sinnasaik.

Lumber (planed wood)    Sâttujâk.

Lump          n. Katsitak.

Lunch          n. TaKuak.

Lung            Puvak.

Lunn place n. UkKualinâk.

Lust             n. Unik.

Lying on the ice (ie a basking seal)    v. Ottuk.

Lynx (Lynx canadensis)      n. Pittusigak.

M    m


Macaroni, spaghetti; a loan word from English.            Makaloni.

Made happy     Piggok.

Maggot        Kupigguk.

Magnet        n. Sisak.

Magnifying glass   Tânittivegutik.

Main road.   n. AkKusinialuk.

Make           Sanak.

Make a deal.     AngiKatigek.

Make a face     v. Omilâk.

Make a hole     kilaik;


Make a meat cache    Ilijiuk.

Make a mistake    Tammak.

Make a noise    Nipalâk;


Make a noise in the distance.   Ivuluk.

Make a sudden motion    Sajuppilak.

Make an obstacle preventing someone from doing what they want.     IsuiluKusik.

Make beer   Pialiuk.

Make clack whip, bubble gum or the sound of a gun      SirKuk.

Make dirty Salumailik.

Make dogs turn on command   v. Unguk.

Make dried fish     n. Pitsilik.

Make fewer.     Ikilligiak.

Make great gains   v. Sutaik.

Make him do    n. Pititsik.

Make hollow.   Ilutâk.

Make pleased   Saimmatik.

Make ready.     Atuinnautik.

Make someone enter a bay or gulf for shelter. Itigajânnak.

Make someone impatient    Kinnusak.

Make something appear by scraping it, removing what is above it, blocks it: snow, earth, sand (ie shellfish in sand). Saggak.

Make stretch    Tasititsik.

Make things dirty.     Ipigaik.

Make tighter    v. Palangaik.

Make trouble for oneself.    PilluKusik.

Makes him enter a cave, hides him in it Mitjuktipâ.

Makes the sound of wind, it can be heard inside a house            Sulutsutak.

Makes tracks.   Tulligappuk.

Making secure.      Tatsenik.

Male.           Angutik.

Male caribou    Pannik.

Male eider duck (c ommon eider, Somateria mollissima)           n. Amaulik.

Male killer whale NapagutakKutok.

Mallet         kautak.

Man.           n. Angutik.

Man shark (Black Dogfish, Centroscyllium fabricii?)    IkKaluvak.

Man who does not go on a hunting but instead stays a home to do small jobs   Kikattuk.

Manner of mercy Nâpiuninnik.

Man‑o‑war (warship); a loan word from English. Manugak.

Mantle on an oil lamp    TajaK.

Many. There are many. Unuttut.

Map            Nunannguak.

Marble; a loan word from English (core).     koga.

Marijuana    Sikarelukak.

Mark           Titik;


Mark of an owner      n. Nalunaikkutak.

Mark out the outline v. Titik.

Married woman.    Uilik.

Marshmellow   Immujak.

Marten (Martes americana)      Kapviasiak.

Mask           kenappak.

Mast of a ship Napagutak.

Match.        Ikijok.

Material for making dresses, etc.   n. Annugâtsajak.

Mating pair of animals   Annagek.

Matters little....    Unnet.

Mattress      Allinik.

mattress      n. Kâk.

Mauled (by dogs). Pâjausimajuk.

Maybe.        ImmaKâ.

Mayonaise   Pataujak;

                   n. NiKitotik.

Me. I.          Uvak.

Me too!       Tautuk.

Meaning      v. Tukik.

Means of consolation     Pitsattotitsak.

Means of satisfying    SaipâKutik.

Measles.      kalâlik.

Measure for net mesh.    IKalugak.

Measure with arm lengths.   IsaKattak.

Measuring tape     n. Ottotik.

Measuring tool      n. Ottotik.

Meat cooked on top of a hot stove    v. Otâk.

Meat received after animal is killed    Ningik.

Mechanic.   Iggaviliuttik.

Medal          Sapvimiutak.

Medicine.    n. Ânniasiutik.

Meet.          katimak.

Meet           Takotik.

Meet while going in opposite directions Pâk.

Meeting.      v. katimak.

Meeting place. katimavik.

Melt            v. Auk.

Member.      n. Ilak.

Men convered in duck down who live at sea and warm themselves in the sun on the ice in the spring : Inuit traditional belief.      Mitilik.

Men's winter underwear. Ilupiguk.

Menstrates Annasitsijuk.

Menstruation. n. TakKik.

Mental or physical health.   n. Inosik.

Mention      Taik.

Mention continuously    Taisik.

Merchandise bought   Pisiak.

Merchandise for sale.      Pisiatsak.

Mercy         v. Nâkkigik.

Mesh in a net   Nullu.

Metal end to a cleaning rod for a gun      NakKuk.

Metal washer    Semigak.

Microphone     Kaninngotik;


Midday dinner Kitigalitsiut.

Middle.        KikKak.

Middle child.    Akullik.

Midwife of a boy. AnnaKutik.

Midwife's name for boys she has delivered. Angusiak.

Midwife's name for girls she has delivered.   Annaliak.

Milk.           Immuk.

Milky Way.     Kuput.

Milky way   Kuputik.

Million; loan word from English. Miliunni.

Mind.          n. Isumak.

Mine.          Piga.

Mine           Ujaganniak.

Miner          v. Ujaganniak.

Minister      AjuKittuijik.

Mink (Mustela vison).    kanajunniutik.

Minute; loan word from English.   Minoti.

Mirror         Taggatotik.

Miserly, avarice    TukKuittuk.

Miss            kinngomak;



Miss a shot.      Annaik.

Miss out on an opportunity.     v. Annaik.

Miss someone. kingugaik.

Miss someone Patjalotik.

Miss someone or something     Painnguk.

Mistreat      v. Uivisâk.

Mitt            Pualuk.

Mix bread    Akutsik.

Mixture.      Sunatuinnak.

Mock          MitautiKak.

Model boat n. Umiannguak.

Molasses.     Inngautaujak.

Molasses; a loan word from English   Malâsasi.

Monday; a loan word from German.   Montâg.

Money        kenaujak.

Monkey      Maike.

Monkey‑dance Sittutak.

Monster      Omajualuk.

Month.        n. TakKik.

Moon.         TakKik.

Moose (Alces americana)    n. Tuttuvak.

Mop; a loan word from English.    Mâpi.

Mope (pine grosbeak finch).    Isâluk.

Morning      Ullâk.

Morse key telegraph Tattatâk.

Mosquito     kittugiak.

Moss           NiKâk.

Moss used as an intoxicant (Northern fir moss, Huperzia selago)          SippiKautik ?

Motel.         Tujummiuvik.

Moth           Unnuasiutik;

                   n. Tonngaviak.

Mother.       Anânak.

Mother‑in‑law Ukuagek.

Motion picture camera   Aulajuk.

Motion picture projector     Aulajotik.

Motor         n. Motak.

Motor boat Motak.

Motor boat (baby talk). Tukutok.

Motor oil    Utsugutik.

Motorcyle; a loan word from English.    Mutusaikal.

Mould          SakKak.

Mould on food or clothing. SapKak.

Mouldy.       n. SakKak.

Mountain cat   Pittusigak.

Mouse (Deer Mouse, peromyscus mainculatus or Meadow Vole, Microtus pennsylvanicus or Gapper's Red‑Backed Vole, Clethrionomys gapperi or Heather Vole, Phenacomys intermedius)     Nunivakkak.

Moutain avens (Dryas integrifolia), a plant that foretells the coming of winter.           Isuttanguak?

Mouth         Kanik.

Mouth drooping, about to cry Omingak.

Move.         Aulitjak.

Move          Nok.

Move an object from one place to another, as in checkers       Notsik.

Move away to a temporary residence.    Aullâk.

Move cautiously   Pitsâtailik.

Move, divide itself, multiply    Nikik.

Move household belongings.     Aullâtik.

Move its tail (fish or sea mammals)   PapikKiKik.

Moves further away. Aullagiavuk.

Moves it slowly, irregularly.     Aggetuk.

Movie         v. TakujaKattak.

Movie projecter    Taggalijaguttik.

Movie screen   Taggalijâpvik.

Movies, films   Taggajâk.

Moving.      Aulak.

Moving around     v. Uimajâk.

Muddle        Patjalungak.

Murder.       Inuak.

Murderer.    Inuattik.

Murmurs OR says evil things    UKalaKittuk.

Muscle         Nukik.

Musher's command for left!     Hara.

Musher's command for to come!   Hau.

Musher's command to go!    Huit.

Musher's command to turn right. Auk.

Musk‑ox (Ovibos moschatus) Umimmak.

Muskrat (Ondata zibethicus).    kiggaluk.

Mussel (mytilus edulis)    Uviluk.

Must do it.   Pigialik.

Must it be? Âhale.

Mustard       Anakulojak;


                   n. Pataujak.

Mustard; a loan word from English.    Mastak.

Muzzle loader gun      kaillugak.

Muzzle loading gun    kaullugak.

Muzzle of a gun.   .

Muzzle of animal n. Sigguk.

Myself.        Uvanga.

N    n


Nag             v. Tiliugik.

Nail             v. kikiak.

Nail (finger or toe)    kukik.

Nail or bolt head. Anngiujak.

Nail polish   kukisiutik.

Nail puller. kikiangijautik.

Nails...         kikiak.

Naked          Usinngak.

Name.         Atik.

Namesake.   Atitsiak.

Naming; name of a thing.    Tainik.

Nansary (Greater yellowlegs, Tringa melanoleuca).      kanaiKik.

Narrate        Unikkâk.

Narrow.       Amittuk.

Narrow, with little space      Nigukittuk.

Nasal bone   Akuliak.

Navel          Kalasik.

Near side.    Saninga.

Near the bottom of anything containing a clear liquid.             Iggâni.

Nearly do    Pikasâk.

Nearly get   v. Pikasâk.

Nearly hit    v. Pikasâk.

Necessary action. Pigialik.

Neck           Kungasik.

Necklace     Ujamik.

Necktie       Kungasigutik.

Necktie; loan word from English. n. Nittaik.

Needle.        v. kapik.

Needle.        v. kapputik.

Needle with a square head    n. Kuatjulik.

Neice or nephew of a man. Kangiak.

Neighbour.   Silalik;


Net buoys    n. Puttagutik.

Never!         NiakKolunngituk.

Never mind.     Kujana.

New.            Nutâk.

Newborn caribou calf Aupilak.

News           Kaujigatsak.

Newspaper   Kimigguatuat;


Next time.   kingullimik.

Next year.   Aggâgu.

Nice, clear, sunny day.    AllaKik.

Nice person, he is almighty.     Ananauvuk.

Nick on the cutting edge of a tool (axe, knife, chisel) v. kikkak.

Nickname.   Atinguak.

Niece           Anngak.

Niece of a man (paternal)    Ujuguk.

Niece or nephew of a woman   Nuak.

Night           Unnuak.

Night hawk (Northern goshawk, accipter gentilis)        IKalunniutik.

Night‑fall n. Unnuk.

Nighthawk ?     n. Imaingatak.

Nightmare   UKumangik.

Nine; loan word from German.      Naina.

Nipple         Mulik.

No.              Auka.

No!             v. Auk.

No appetite.     kavânguvuk.

No more pain, his wound is healed.    Mâttuk.

No wonder that he ....     Upinnagani.

Noise of engine in the distance     n. Kikiggak.

Noise of movement   Kikiggak.

None of your business!   ApikKuin.

Noodles       Kajutsak.

Normal, it is not astonishing    Tatamnagani.

North.         Tâvunga.

North easterly wind. Niggik (OR NikKik).

North of.     Taggâni.

Northerly wind     Attuannik.

Northern Lights.   Atsanik.

Northwesterly wind    Atuanningâk.

Nose            Kingak.

Nosebleed.   AullaKik.

Nostrils, nasal passages   Sullok.

Not being able to catch one's breath, especially after crying     v. Âk.

Not considered, OR not respect him. Attapâ.

Not eager.   katsungavuk.

Not exciting.    KaKiannangituk.

Not know it, to ignore it     Naluk.

Not leave something for someone     Nungotik.

Not quite close a container.      Palak.

Not resist    v. Manimmik.

Not slippery. It is not slippery. It came off.     Pettuk.

Not so long ago, recently.   Immasak.

Not square. SulukKingavuk.

Not to like the taste or smell   Mamaitsak.

Not wanting to do it again. v. Alingik.

Notch.         kikki.

Notice         Malugik;

                   n. Kaujigatsak;

                   v. Malugusuk.

Novel.         n. Atuagak.

Now.           Mânna.

Now, at this moment      Mânakut.

Now, (here in this place or at this time in story)          Matumani.

Now I remember, that's true ah yes! (rare)   Usi.

Now, this time Tamatumani.

Nude.           v. Usinngak.

Number; a loan word from English.    Nomar.

Numerous, there are many. Amigaittut.

Nurse           Paitsijik.

Nurse's assistant.   n. Ikajuttik.

Nursing station     n. Ânniasiupvik.

Nursing white‑whale calf. Isuttak.

O   o


Oar.             Iputik.

Oarlock (fulcrum for an oar attached to the gunwahle of a boat).         Ipupvik.

Oatmeal, gruel; loan word from English.      Jolutsi.

Obey           v. Nâlak.

Object carried in a baby's hood Amâmiutak.

Object inside of ...      Ilulilik.

Object of derision Alikkut.

Object that was moving and stopped (ie a thread being pulled through but stops because of a knot v. Unik.

Obscurity, shadow, dark of night   TâK.

Ocean floor.     IkKak.

Off work or on holiday   v. Kikak.

Offended     Silluk.

Office.         Allavik.

Office desk.      n. Allavik.

Oh! How decent! How worthy of honour.    Upinnak.

Oh‑my‑gosh!(excalimation of feal or disgust, real or imagined) Kuingâluk.

Oil drum      n. UtsualuKautik.

Oil heater, primus stove.     Igautik.

Oily.            Utsuinak.

Old.             Nutaunngituk.

Old man      InoKuappuk.

Old man.     Ittuk;

                   v. Ittok.

Old person. InutuKak.

Old stag caribou    Pangnik.

Old woman Ningiuk.

On me.        Uvanni.

On the shadow side.   Taggânevuk.

On the sly. Tillikumik.

On top of.   Kângani.

On you.       Ilinni.

One.            Atautsik.

One alongside. n. Tullik.

One most to the side ot it    Sanillia.

One o'clock; a loan word from German. Ainsik.

One of a pair.   n. Illuk.

One rather than another gets or does.     Pingâvuk.

One that is closest to us , between us and a distant object.        Miksilisik.

One who gives no thought His actions.   IsumaKanngituk.

One who has a suntan.    Pallik.

One who is always unwilling. An uncooperative person.           Kunutujuk.

One who is easily angered.   Kokak.

One who is easily angered    Ninngajak.

One who is never inactive. Kikajuittuk.

One who is treated slightingly, neglected, is cut dead.   Singaluku.

One who runs an errand n. Pijik.

One‑piece long underwear (long johns). Atajualok.

Onion          Kiannatuk.

Only.           kisiani.

Only one     Atautsituinak.

Only thing is.   keta;


Open.          Ammak.

Open           Ukkuik;

                   v. MaKik.

Open eye     Uik.

Open out.    Isivitsik.

Open your mouth Aittak.

Operate on v. Pilak.

Opinion.      n. Isumak.

Opposing.    Akigannik.

Opresses.     Tatjapuk.

Or.              Upvalu.

Orange; a loan word from English.     Alansi.

Orange. It is nearly red. It has a tinge of red.    Aupalângajuk.

Orange marmalade     Mammalik.

Order           v. Kinuk.

Ordered       Tilijauk.

Organ          v. Nenigak.

Orphan.       Iliatsuk.

Orphanage. IliatsuKautik.

Other.         Asi.

Other half of a pair    n. Aippak.

Other of a pair      Illua.

Other of a pair.     Illunga.

Other side.   Mappinga.

Other side of land.     Itivik.

Otter (River otter, Lutra canadensis) Pamiuttok.

Ouch!          Â.

Out of breath, panting, suffocates, gasps for breath (after running, from illness, lack of ari, oppression. Ipiniak.

Out of doors.    Silami.

Out of the way! let me see! let me pass! let me do it!   Nau.

Outboard motor.   AKumiak.

Outdoors     Silak.

Outer lining for a duffel coat    Silapâk.

Outer one    Silalik.

Outer part of the nostril      NatakKuak.

Outer seal skin part of a pair of mitts     Silapiguk.

Outhouse.    n. Anagiattuvik.

Outhouse     n. Kuigiattuvik.

Outlet of pond.     Akuak.

Outside.       Silami;


Outside jar (ring sea, pusa hispidal)     Najangalak.

Outside jar (starveling ring seal)    Taligusutuk.

Outside pair of mitts n. Silalik.

Outspoken, extroverted.      Pinngijak.

Over there. Tâgani;


Overcast weather.      Nuvutsimajuk.

Overcoat.    Ulialuk.

Overcome   SâlaKak.

Over‑curious person who asks too many questions ApiKunik.

Overdo        Suvalluk.

Overpowers him. Makutiva.

Over‑sexed v. Unik.

Overtake     Anngutik;

                   v. Unguk.

Overtakes.   Angusivuk.

Overtakes by going around in front.   Ungutsivuk.

Overturn     Pusik;


Own            v. Pigik.

P    p


Paddle.        Ipotik;


Page; loan word from English. Pâginâ.

Paid             Akilittauk.

Pail             n. Kattak.

Pain.           v. Ânniak.

Pain in heart.   Itsagunnguk.

Paint           Minguagutik;


Paint brush Mingotik.

Pair (of shoes, mitts, binoculars etc.).     Illugek.

Pair of vamps Pinigak.

Pajamas       Usinngasik;

                   n. Unnuasiutik.

Pale             v. KaKutsik.

Palm of the hand.      Itimak.

Pan for mixing dough.    Akutsivik.

Pancake (bannock)    Sanannguagak.

Pant            Anngajugak.

Panties        Kallik.

Paper          Alakkasâjak.

Paper clip.   kesok.

Parachute    katautik.

Parcel (from me to someone). Tujotik.

Parcel (from someone to me). Tujosiak.

Parched with thirst    Kek.

Parent.        n. AngajukKâk.

Parka made loose enough to hold a baby      Amusik.

Part.            n. Ilak.

Part of.       Apvak;


Part of...     Ilâ.

Part of boot above heel Singinnik.

Part of it.    Ilanga.

Part of the caribou nearest the neck. kiapiguk.

Part of the day or day time n. Ulluk.

Part that has been joined on     v. Uiguk.

Partition wall   Ungatik.

Partly knocked out.   Avângak.

Partly thawed out.     n. Aumak.

Partner.       v. Ilik.

Partridge entrails Ugunik.

Partridge hawk (gyrfalcon, Falco rusticolus)     AKigginiutik.

Paserine, any type of sparrow.      kupanuak.

Pass feces.   Anak.

Pass over Kidlapait Mountains.     Manugâk.

Patch.         Ilâk.

Path.           n. AkKutik.

Patience      Kinuinnik.

Patient. He is patient.    Kinuittuk.

Patient, indulgence for him.     Kanuitsatailik.

Patterns for footwear.    Alutsak.

Pay             Akilek.

Pay back a wrong Akigiak.

Pay one person or for one thing. Akilik.

Pea              Tattojak.

Peach          Kuppaku.

Peak of cap      TikKiak.

Peanut         Saunâk.

Pear            Kuppalik.

Pedal.          Ingiggalautik.

Peel.            Amigaijaik.

Peep.           Itsuak.

Peep through a window. Ijainnik.

Pen, pencil, chalk, etc.   Allautik.

Pencil          Titiguttik.

Pencil sharpener   Nuvvusaivik.

Penetrates. killevuk.

Peninsula.    Itillik.

Penis           Naulik;


Pen‑knife n. Saviatsuk.

People.        Inuit;

                   n. Inuit.

Perception Misiginik.

Peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus).   kiggavik.

Perform sexual intercourse Pakik;

                   v. Pik.

Perform the broken wing dance (bird)     v. Pikik.

Perfume      Mamatsautik;


Perish at sea.    v. Asiguk.

Perish by exposure and cold     v. Kuak.

Person respected. n. Pimmagik.

Person retreats a little, goes away a little distance.       Alivâpuk.

Person situated to the back of the snowhouse, the person sleeping there.         kilillik.

Person speaks differently by equivocation   Sunatuinnaligivuk.

Person who hates Omigusutti.

Person who is hard of hearing. He is partially deaf.      Tusâtsiangituk.

Person who sings in a choir.     Inngitik.

Person with power or money   Pimmagik.

Person with urinary tract problem.    Kuikak.

Persuade      Tiliugik.

Petticoat.    Ilupâk.

Photograph.     Atjinguak.

Physical body   Timik.

Pick            Pitak.

Pick a bone v. kikkak.

Pick axe      Tillak.

Pick berries Nunivak.

Pick up        Pukuk.

Pick‑axe Titlak.

Pickle; a loan word from English. Pikalli.

Picture on the wall     Ungammiutak.

Pie.             Ilumegok.

Pie              Mamattuasujak.

Pie bird (Common golden eye, Bucephala clangula)      Katjituk.

Pieces of a whole Ilakuit.

Pierces.       Tallevuk.

Pig              kuigemik;


Pile of rocks erected on a hillside as some sort of marker (Inuksuk).    Inutsuk.

Pile one on top of another.      Kalilligek.

Pill.             Ejak.

Pillow.         Akitik.

Pilot; a loan word from English.   Pailatti.

Pimple        v. Puik.

Pimples       v. Puik.

Pin.             kakkutik.

Pin worm found in the intestines Kuattak.

Pincer or tongs     ketatak.

Pinch          Putjuak.

Pinch once v. Putjuk.

Pine or spruce cones Kimminguak.

Pine siskin (carduelis pinus)      n. Satsagiak.

Pineapple    Putulik;

                   Tangiujak sallulik.

Pinewood streaks.      Ikki.

Pins and needles.   kakillâk.

Pintail (Northern pintail, Anas acuta)    Mitilujak.

Pipe tobacco    Supogutimottik.

Pit of the stomach.    Anngilik.

Pitch           kutsualuk.

Pitch for caulking      Utsigut.

Pitch (in a boat). Pokattak.

Pitcher        Millutik.

Pitied.         NaipiKunnapuk.

Pity.            Ilatsuk.

Pity             Nâkkigik.

Placate        v. Saimmatik.

Place.          n. Inik;

                   v. Ilik.

Place for splitting wood.      Kutjautak.

Place for storing something (usually in the possesive) Ilipvik.

Place for the legs of a dog in a harness. n. Aik.

Place in or on. Ilitsik.

Place many different things in one place.    v. IliukKaik.

Place of residence      n. Nunak.

Place, thing used for climbing   Majupvik.

Placenta, envelope of the foetus   Aggâk.

Placenta of a foetus   n. Pok.

Plain, flat ground.      Manigak.

Plait            Piggaik.

Plane           Savik.

Plane (carpentry tool)    Saviutik.

Plane floats      n. Puttagutik.

Plant that grows along the shore, eaten by Inuit. Beach greens (Beach sandwort, Honckenya peploides)   Tulligunnak.

Plant with leaves used to make herbal tea (Sibbaldia procumbens).        n. AppiKutik.

Plaster         n. Kuajok.

Plaster, glue     Nipitinnigutik.

Plastic.        Ilaijautitsak.

Plate           Pogutak.

Play            Pinnguak.

Play an organ   Nenigak.

Play ball.     Anautsak.

Play ball      Pattak.

Play cards.   kalâtsiak.

Play checkers. Inugannguak.

Play football    n. Tukkak.

Play hookey.   Aullaumak.

Play ice rugby Tukkanguak.

Play jigs and reels.     Iliuttâk.

Play pen      Pinnguavik.

Play the guitar Kilullagak.

Play the violin      Agiagusijak.

Play tug‑of‑war with each other, each holding their own. NuKippotijut.

Play with dolls Kitunnganguak.

Playing cards.   kalâtsiat.

Plead           v. Kinuk.

Pleasant scene.     Takuminattuk.

Pleasant to listen to. Tusannituk.

Pleasure.How pleasant it is. Alianai.

Pleura.         kanivaut.

Pliers           kimmautek.

Plop in the water Savak.

Pluck feathers.      Igitak.

Plumbing pipe Sullulik.

Pocket knife    Pottajok.

Pocket or pouch. Ippiasuk.

Pocket‑knife Saviatsuk.

Point           Nuvuk.

Point.          Nuvutannak.

Point           Tikkuak.

Point of a dickey hood   kukuppâk.

Point of an instrument (file) that is inserted into the handle    v. Itsuk.

Point of land    Kuatjuk;

                   n. Nuvuk.

Point of land, a raised promontory between two bays. n. Akuliak.

Poison         TuKunnatuk.

Poke           Kauk;

                   n. Tok.

Poke out of the water     Puik.

Poker          Tokak.

Polar bear (Ursus maritimus)    Nanuk.

Polar Star.   Nikisuittuk.

Pole, mast   Napajuk.

Pole of any kind. Nappautik.

Police; loan word from English.    Pulesi.

Polish          Killisaigutik;



Pond           v. Tasik.

Ponder.       Isumajâk.

Poor.           Ajutsak;


Poor eyesight. Tappetuk.

Porcelain     n. Maggak;

                   n. Maggasajak.

Porch          Tutsok.

Porcupine (Erethizon dorstum).    IlâKutsik;


Pork; loan word from English. Puak.

Porpoise or small jumper (Harbour porpoise, Phocoena phocoena)      Nesâtsuk.

Position.     Inik.

Possess        Najuttigik.

Possession   PiKutik.

Post office employee (Sekki=cheque, literally the person whon looks after cheques)    Sikkiligijuk.

Pot holder   Tigummitik.

Potato; loan word from German. kâttopalak.

Pound a hammer   katjuk.

Pound; loan word from English.    v. Paunnik.

Pounds; a loan word from English.     Pauni.

Pour out      kuvisik.

Pour water   Kupvigik.

Powder        Pautak;

                   n. Sanaugak;

                   v. Pautak.

Powerful.     Pitsatujuk.

Practice       Ottugak.

Praises.        Nittatlapuk.

Pray            Tutsiak.

Preacher      n. AjuKittuijik.

Pregnant woman. Pitsalik.

Prepare.      ÂkKisuik.

Prepare dried meat     Nikkuliuk.

Present.       Ânnguak.

Presently.    Uvatsiaguk.

Press           Nenik.

Pretend not to notice.    kamannngisittuk.

Pretty.        IniKunak.

Pretty girl or woman.     Annasiak.

Prey on the helpless or uninformed   v. Uivigginiak.

Price           Akik.

Prick           kakik.

Prick.          v. kapik.

Prickett (yearling calf)   Nuggak.

Prickly saxifrage, a plant whose leaves are for tea, in cuts or as bedding for husky puppies, toughening the soles of their paws(Saxifraga tricuspidata).            kakillânaKutik.

Primus stove    Supojok.

Progress      v. Pivalliak.

Propeller on a boat.   Angotik.

Prospector Ujaganniatik;

                   n. Ujaganniak.

Protect.       Pattangaititsik.

Protect        v. Paitsik.

Protection   Saputsinik.

Protective cuff on a sleeve TajaK.

Proud of oneself   Pisittuk.

Prowl, run hither and thither    Satsâk.

Prune          Paunngâluk.

Publisher     Allatausimajunik unuksititsije.

Puffin (Common puffin, Fratercula arctica)     kingutuk.

Puffin (c0mmon puffin, Fratercula arctica) Siggolutuk.

Pull             Nusuk.

Pull on drawstring      v. Ungik.

Pull out by the roots.      Amuk.

Pulling         Nusok.

Pulls.           NuKippuk.

Pulls arm out of sleeve. Kumeppâ.

Pulls himself up.   NuKaguliapuk.

Pulse           Tillitâk.

Pump(for pressure lamp)     Pullaliutik.

Punishes.     Sugiannipuk.

Punt, flat‑bottomed row boat Umiagâk.

Puppy         Kimmiagulak.

Purple sandpiper (Calidris maritima) Tullik.

Purple saxifrage, a plant with edible pink flowers (Saxifrage oppositifolia)       Aupaluttanguak.

Pus              n. Mannik.

Push away   Pinguk.

Push in, drive in nails     kaimik.

Push out a boat.    kaimitsik.

Pushes.        Toppuk.

Put a needle in a pin cushion, etc.      v. kakkitik.

Put away     v. Pigiak;

                   v. Piulik.

Put in          Pok.

Put inside.   IliukKaik.

Put on a cap     Nasak.

Put on a lot of clothes.   Atittuk.

Put on a parka.     n. Atigik.

Put on a shirt   v. Uviniguk.

Put on airs over newly‑gained prosperity v. Kakik.

Put on clothes.     n. Atik.

Put on clothing.    Annugâk.

Put on perfume     Tipigitsak;

                   v. Mamatsak.

Put on so that it overlaps.   Mapiatilippâ.

Put over there.     Ikunga.

Put something in Pitatsik.

Put something in the mouth     UKummisik.

Put together.    Ivittisik.

Put together     katitsik.

Put together a puzzle.     Ivittitâk.

Put up a tent    Tuppitik.

Puts it aside, stores it.     Sanikpaijuk.

Puts on clothes.    Atusivuk.

Puts them in order (part of a jigsaw puzzle, cards ect) ÂkKigisurpait.

Putty           n. kiti;

                   n. Patik.

Puzzles (jigsaw).    Ivittitât.

Q    q


Quarrel        kiumajotik.

Queen.         n. Atanik.

Question.     Apitsuk;


Quickly.      v. Tuavi.

Quiet.          Nipakittuk.

Quieten down   Nipuk.

Quiver         Sajuppilâk.

R    r


Race            TikikKâKatautik.

Radio           Nâlautik.

Radio station    Nâlausijapvik.

Rafter.         n. Aupvik.

Rag.             Iviuttik.

Ragged jacket (yearling caribou).   Nukatugak.

Rain            Silaluk;

                   v. Silaluk.

Rain bird (?olive back thrush?Gray‑cheeked Thrush, Catharus minimus) Siusiukuluk.

Rainbow      Ajagutak.

Raincoat      Silannilusiutik.

Raincoat, overalls      Silaluilitak.

Rain‑shower Suagutak.

Raise           Puttusik.

Raised, place high, above anything     Puttujuk.

Raisin          Paunngâgulak.

Rake            NitsiKattautik.

Rancid         v. Pujak.

Rancid, not edible.     Pujak.

Rape            Uivisâk.

Rash            Puikkalâk.

Ration         v. Piugisâk.

Raw meat    Aipajuk.

Raw place on body     NiKitsunik.

Raw seal meat Mikigak.

Ray of fire. n. Innak.

Razor          n. Unngijautik.

Read.           Atuak.

Reading.      Atuatsik.

Ready          Attuinak.

Ready.         Atuinnak.

Ready          Pannaik.

Real control     Tigumiatsiamagik.

Realize        v. Kaujik.

Real/true.     MitsiKâppuk.

Rear            v. Kikak.

Rear flipper.     SiKuk.

Rear rifle sight koguk.

reason         v. Pitjutik.

Receive a present Tujuttauk.

Receive it (seal skin) as your share of the kill   Kitsik.

Receiver of telephone, etc. Tusâpvik.

Receives a foreleg and shoulder blade as his share         Tallapuk.

Recite          Taimattak.

Recognize.   Ilitatsik.

Recognize from a distance   Ulinnaik.

Record (music)      v. Piusik.

Record player   UKajok.

Record player arm and needle   v. UKak.

Rectangular.     TigikKutok.

Rectum.       Itluk.

Red.             Aupaluttak.

Red berry, partridge berry (Lingnon berry,Vaccinium vitis‑idaea). kimminak.

Red fox (Vulpes vulpes).      kajuk.

Red phalarope (phalaropus fulicaria )      Sauvrak.

Redpoll (common redpoll, carduelis flammea) Satsagiak.

Reduce something too big, make it narrower, smaller (trouse belt, a tear, and opening.)      v. Kok.

Refers to this one.     Oma.

Reflected by OR hits (rain, wind, sun).    Akimmituk.

Reflects heat    v. Akinnijattipâ.

Reflects it (sunlight, light)   Akinnijattipâ.

Refridgerator    KuaKautik.

Refuse         Kipiluk.

Refuse to do something v. Kunuk.

Regret, how annoying, too bad.     Tamiulupâ.

Related to.   v. Atak.

Relative.      v. Ilak.

Release        Sakkuk.

Religious sister, nun   Majiannguak.

Relocate      Nollâk.

Remain at home   Paik.

Remainder, what is left over, surplus, what is left over when the needed has been used; according to T. Bourquin 'amiakku means what is still there when the rest has been removed; on the contrary simniku means the surplus, what cannot for the moment be used'. Simniku.

Remains upside down.     Mumitsimajuk.

Remember. IkKaumak.

Remember from past experience. Aulajik.

Remember in song or prayer    Tutsiutik.

Remember something forgotten.   n. IkKak.

Remnant.    Ilaku.

Remove       Pejaik.

Remove bark.   v. Amigaijaik.

Remove dust    Sanek.

Remove outside clothing     Mattak.

Removing tool, such as a screwdriver      Pejaittik.

Repair.        v. ÂkKisik.

Repay          v. Tautsek.

Repent        KaKialik.

Reporter      n. Unikkausiliuttik.

Request        v. Kinuk;

                   v. PikKujik.

Resin           Kulliak.

Resistent, to not want something KiKsek.

Resists         Akigartuppuk.

Resolution   PikKujak.

Respect       Nittunak.

Rest             Minnguisik;

                   v. SilakKijak.

Restaurant   Nigigiattusimavik.

Restless       Uimajâk.

Retch          Migallosâk.

Return         Utik.

Reverence   Upigunnik.

Revive         v. Ommak.

Revolver.    Illuinattotik.

Rhubarb       Sennâluk.

Rib of a land animal   Tulimâk.

Rib on body      Tulimaik.

Ribbon         Saitik.

Ribbon by which objects are tied together.   kattutik.

Riccochet    Tammikâk.

Rice.            Aviggugak.

Ride in a boat   Umiattuk.

Ridicule       KuviasotiKak.

Rifle bayonet   Nuvulligak.

Rifle, .22 calibre   Kukiutiaguk.

Right.          Talippik.

Right arm    Talippik.

Right away. Tagvainak.

Rigor mortis     Tijinnik.

Ring            Sivanik.

Ring finger Mikiligak.

Ring necked bird (Semipalmated plover, Charadrius semipalmatus) (word sounds like the bird)      KulliKuliak.

Ring‑billed gull (Larus delawarensis). Naujalukak?

Ringing in his ear.      Aviujivuk.

Rinses.         Iggupâ.

Rips off stitches off clothes.    Unngijâttipâ.

Rise             Putjuk.

Rise from of bed   Makik.

Rise, to stand up   v. Makik.

Rising tide   Ulitsuak;

                   v. Ulik.

River           kok.

River is bad.     kullupuk.

Road            AkKusinik.

Road.           AkKutik.

Roar of wind.   Siutsuk.

Roars (like thunder) ie. a lion or bear.     kallunguattuk.

Roasts it (in the oven).   Elilikapâk.

Robin (American robin, Turdus migratorius).    Ikkagilik.

Robs.           Attiavuk.

Rock           Ujagak.

Rock bank   Kaittuk.

Rock cod (Microgadus tom cod)    Ogâtsuk.

Rock from side to side    Uvâk.

Rock pile.    Kigguit.

Rod or stick.    IsaKaut.

Roll.            Atsapaluak.

Rolling pin Sâttuliugutik;


Roman Catholic. He has a false god. kotinngualik.

Roof of cabin, boat, deck OR skin tent   n. Itsak.

Roof of mouth      n. Kilak.

Roofing felt     kutailtak.

Room divider   Ukkuk.

Root of hair     Mannguk.

Root of phodiola rosea   UtsuKammak.

Rope; heavy line   Aklunâk.

Rosemary (the spice)      n. MamaittuKutik.

Rotten.        Auniguk;



Rough.         Manettuk.

Rough spot Manettuk.

Round.         Aumaluak.

Round snow shoes used by Innu that oblige the wearer to swing his legs widely when walking.      Allâkkatautik.

Route.         n. AkKutik.

Row             Tuligek.

Rowdy         v. Pikallak.

Rub with the hands or on a washboard     Uluk.

Rubber.        kamialutsajak.

Rubber boot; loan word from English.     Rapak.

Rubber pants    Kuinngigagettuk.

Rubs between his hands. Atsalippuk.

Rudder.        n. AKotik.

Rule             n. Maligatsak.

Ruling spirit     Tunngak.

Run.            Appalik.

Run down    Kulluk.

Rush (out of greed).   Pallak.

Rustling sound.      n. Ittuk.

Rusty. It is rusty. Manngitunik.

Rutting jar seal      Tiggak.

S    s


Sad.             Annupuk.

Sad              kitsak.

Sad because a person is leaving Ungak.

Sad, downcast. Sanniktigijuk.

Saddler (Great black‑backed gull, Larus marinus) Kulelik.

Sadness        kitsanik;


Safety pin    Nâjok.

Sail              Tingiggautak.

Sail boat with a jib sail    Tingiggautalik.

Sailor           SuliaKattik.

Salivate.      Egiangusâk.

Salmon, over 6 pounds (Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar) (peal, under 6 pounds, jack, a pale salmon).      kavisilik.

Salt              Siugaujak;


                   v. Siugaujak.

Salt water    Tagiuk.

Saltwater pond Tasiujak.

Salty.           Tagiuk.

Same.          Atjik.

Sand            Siugak.

Sand fly (black fly, Simulium venustum )     Milugiak.

Sand hillock.    Ippigâk.

Sanitary napkin, pad.      Ilimajak.

Sap              Itti.

Sarcastic reply meaning, Its none of your business!      Siuk.

Satin; a loan word from English.   Saiti.

Satisfied       Nâmmasik.

Saturday: a loan word from German (Sonnabend).         Sunâpint.

Sauce pan.   Ipolik.

Saucy.          Uivettuk.

Sausage        Usojak.

Save            Piugisâk;



Save something for someone    Kumiuk.

Saves him.   Usunnapâ.

Saw, cut       killuk.

Sawdust        Sappikuk;


Saxaphone   KuKuajok.

Say              v. UKak.

Say more     v. UKagiallak.

Say something straight out to someone. Tugak.

Say yes.       v. Angik.

Sayings        Unikkausik.

Scaffold for Kajak, meat, etc.   Ikiggak.

Scald            Ok.

Scales          Ottotik;


Scales for weighing     kititautik.

Scarf            Kungasekkutik.

Scatter         v. SaKitsik.

Scent of a fox Suvinnik.

School.        Ilinniavik.

School of seals.     Amisut.

Schooner; loan word from English.    n. Sikonak.

Scissors        kitjautek.

Scold           Suangak;


Scorch         Otâk.

Score (scratch lines in something)      Kiputak.

Scotch tape Nipijok;


Scouring powder    Upvautialuk.

Scrape fat off seal skin   Katjak;


Scrape the hair off skin. kiligak.

Scraping tool for sealskin.   kiliutak.

Scratch        kumik.

Scratch (once).     Kitsuk.

Scratch (repeatedly). Kitsuak.

Scream        Kinnualâk.

Screams out loud. KuKuppuk.

Screw           Kitjaluak.

Screw up the face Omilâk.

Screw up the nose Ominitsâk.

Scrounge      v. Ivajak.

Scrub the floor Natiligik.

Scrubbing board.    n. Iggutotik.

Scull a boat Papigutsuk.

Sculpin. ( Arctic sculpin Myoxocephalus scorpioides, or, Shorthorn sculpin, Myoxcephalus scorpius)     kanajuk.

Sculpture     n. Sanannguagak.

Sea              n. Tagiuk.

Sea cucumber (cucumaria frondosa)    Ammagituasuk.

Sea life from the ocean floor.   IkKamiutak.

Sea louse      kinguk.

Sea (outside, offshore).   Imappik.

Sea pigeon (Black guillemot, Cepphus grylle)   Pitsiulâk.

Sea scallop (Plactopecten magellanicus) Matsojak.

Sea swells.    Ingiullik.

Sea urchin (Green sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus drobachiensis)           n. Itik.

Seal, animal that lifts it head out of the water Puijik.

Seal fat        n. Utsuk.

Seal hole in the ice     Aglo.

Seal hole in the ice, its entrance in the allu, the winter home visible in spring when the snow has melted. kikkulik.

Seal hole, narrow on top      Nulattak.

Seal in it's second year, changing fur. Saggalak.

Seal skin lash‑line or other line or rope used to tie down and load on an Inuit sled NaKitâgutik.

Seal skin line used to harness a dog team.     Anuksak.

Seal skin pants v. Kisek.

Seal skin roof in a snow house n. Kulâk.

Seal skin with its fur. Kisik.

Seal's hind flipper Pakvik.

Seal's hind flipper bones kuik.

Sealskin boat of the Inuit     Kajak.

Sealskin mitts without fur.   AikKavaugak.

Sealskin that will be used for boot bottoms. Atungatsak.

Seam           kiluk;


Search         Kinik.

Seasick.       Ingiulliuk.

Seasoning.   TaulluKut.

Seated together for a meeting, conference. Kaggimiuk.

Seaward, sea current   Atsânik.

Seaward side     kiti.

Seaweed.      Idlojak.

Seaweed       KikKuak.

Second (next) one.     kingullimik.

Second one kingulia.

Second one.      Tullik;


See              Takuk;

                   v. Naipitsik.

See if they are alright     Pingittuk.

See saw, teeter toter   Nullutautik.

See something for the first time in a long time             Taikkunngiuk.

Seed or dye from mountain avens Piluk.

Seeks.          Nipisiuppuk.

Seeks refuge.    Unnisiuppuk.

Sees him unexpectedly.   Apakaivuk.

Segment.     n. Kuppak.

Sell.             Aullaik.

Sells it.        Niuggusivuk.

Send a gift   Tujuik.

Sends.          Tilidlipuk.

Sensible.      Silasiuppuk.

Separate.     Immigok.

Separates.    Attipuk.

Serious, Careful look on your face.     kutsasuk.

Servant        kipaluk;


Set               Ilagek.

Set nets       Nulutjik.

Set saw teeth.   Illutik.

Set square    TigikKuliugutik.

Set the table     Sâliuk.

Settler (livyer).     Kallunângajuk.

Settles down.    Manullivuk.

Settlings from oil.      Tangik.

Seven; loan word from German.    Sepat.

Sew              Mitsuk.

Sew puckers in Ungik.

Sewing machine    Mitsotik.

Sewing material     n. Kallunâttajak.

Sewing needle   MikKutik.

Sewing pattern n. Ottotik.

Sextant        SiKininniagutik.

Sexual intercourse      n. Nuliak.

Sexually aroused    Omaik.

Shade.          Akigujotik.

Shade           Tânnik.

Shadow        Taggak.

Shag (Double crested cormorant, phalacrocorax auritus)           UKaituk.

Shake          v. Sajuppilâk.

Shake a chain at dogs      kinitagutik.

Shake (a rug, etc.).     Itsutuk.

Shake hands     Tigulittuk.

Shaky tail (american pipit, anthus spinoletta) (n.).       Aviuttuk.

Shaky tale (american pipit, anthus spinoletta) kutsitagusik?

Shallow.       Ikkatuk.

Shallow ( bay or lake)     Ilukittuk.

Shams.         Takkumopuk.

Shapely.      Ilutsisiagittuk.

Share that one receives of a divided object. Ikupiak.

Sharp.          Ipittuk;


Sharpen.      Ipitsaik.

Sharpening iron, whetstone.     Ipitsauk.

Shatter        SiKallik.

Shave          Unngijak;


Shaver         Unngijautik.

Shawl           Ulikupâk;


she arranges it, puts it in order, repairs it, cure hime, also she puts dog harness in order before leaving   ÂkKitippâ.

Shed            v. Utik.

Shedding animal.   Unajualik.

Sheep, the word appears to be an altered form of the Greenlandic sava (sheep) and was probably introducedc to Labrador by Moravian Missionaries in their translation fo the bible. the Greenland for might conceivable by borrowed from Norwegian or the perhaps from Old‑Norse. (Shutlz‑Lorentzen). Saugak.

Sheepskin    n. Saugajak.

Sheet; loan word from English.     Settik.

Shelf            Isagutak;



Shell bird (Red‑breasted merganser, Mergus serrator). v. Paik.

Shelter         n. UkKuk.

Sheltered side   UkKualinâk.

Shepherd. He is a shepherd. Mianitsijik.

Shine           Killik;

                   v. Kaumak.

Shingle        Mappilittak.

Shingle, tile.     Makpilitak.

Shiny.          Killitak.

Ship             Sikonak.

Ship's cabin Illu.

Ship's master    Umialittak.

Ships's pilot      AKutti.

Shirt            v. Uviniguk.

Shit fly.       Anagek.

Shiver          Olik;

                   v. Kilujik.

Shivers.       Tinappuk.

Shivers out of fear.    Kilommivuk.

Shoal crops or shrew (Pigmy shrew, Sorex minutus)     Utjunak.

Shoe.           Itigâluk.

Shoot          Kukik.

Shoot a seal in the right spot    Nâmmanâk.

Shoot at      Kukigiak.

Shoot under.     Inutsik.

Shoots to the left.      kokkusivuk.

Shop            Niuvipvik.

Shop clerk   Niuvittik.

Shore           n. Nunak;

                   n. Sitjak.

Short.          Naittuk.

Short haired animals SaggaK.

Short of things.     Amigak;


Short stop. AkKusâk.

Short while ago     Uvatsiago.

Shot (lead or steel pellet) in a shotgun shell      Tipvuanikuk.

Shotgun.      Ippataijuk.

Shotgun       Tipvuanikunniutik.

Shoulder      Tuik.

Shoulder blade kiasik;


Shout           KuKuak.

Shout for.    Iggiagommijâk.

Shove          Ajak.

Shovel         Puaggitik.

Show.          v. AjuKittuk.

Show           v. Unnitotjik.

Shower        kuvijuk.

Showers, flurries    Suagutsik.

Shrew (Water shrew?, sorex plustris OR masked shrew, sorex cinereus OR Pigmy shrew, Sorex minutus).     v. IKimiak.

Shrimp (Pandalus borealis)   kingupvak.

Shrink.        IKik.

Shy.             Iligasuk;



Siblings        Nukagek.

Sick.            Kanimak.

Sickle.         kiliutik.

Sickness       n. Kanimmasik.

Side.            Sania.

Side             v. Sanigak.

Sieve, strainer Sannigekkutik.

Sigh.            Anitsâk.

Sight‑see v. Kimigguk.

Sign that enables one to recognize, subject or object that one recognizes.         Ilitatsigutik.

Silk              n. Saitik.

Silver; loan word from English.     Silva.

Sinew.          Ivaluk.

Sinew in reindeer's rack. Uliut.

Sing             v. Tutsiak.

Sing in a choir.      Inngik.

Singing bird.     Siuppuk.

Sink             kivik;


Sister of a boy.      Najak.

Sister younger than yourself.    Najâtsuk.

Sister‑in‑law Ukuak.

Sit.              Itsivak.

Sit down.     Ingik.

Sit on eggs; a bird's protective instinct.   v. Niviuk.

Site of a landslide.      Sitosimajuk.

Sitting on its eggs (bird).      Ivavuk.

Situated above.      Kutsittuk.

Situated inland.     Timippasituk.

Six; loan word from German.    Sâksit.

Skate           v. Siaggijâk.

Skate (raja senta) Pamiuttulagak.

Skates          n. Siaggijautik.

Skeleton      Saunikuk.

Ski               Siaggijâk.

Ski landing gear on a plane n. Talluk.

Skim over the water   Pillikutâk.

Skin             n. Uvinik;

                   v. Najuk.

Skin a seal, the curing and cleaning process.     Pilak.

Skin an animal, the curing and cleaing process.             Âttuk.

Skin boot.    n. kamik.

Skin boot bottom.      Atungak.

Skin of the head    Utuvik.

Skin on fruit     n. Amigak.

Skin stretching tool   TasikiKutik.

Skinny.        Saluttuk.

Skinny person.      Saluki.

Skip on the surface of water     v. Tammikâk.

Skipping      Kulautâjok.

Skis             Siaggijautik.

Sky              v. Kilak.

Slanders someone.      Mangappâ.

Slanted.       Uvingak.

Sled             Kamutik.

Sleep           Sinik.

Sleep out overnight.   v. Sinittak.

Sleep with    v. Tutik.

Sleeping bag, bed roll Sinittautik.

Sleepy         Uinngak.

Sleepy diver (black scoter, Melanitta nigra).     Ingiullitsiutik.

Sleet            Matsak.

Sleeve          v. Aik.

Slide            Situk.

Sling            Ikusiutik;


Slingshot.    Illuigiutik.

Slink (spent or kelt salmon returning to the sea after spawning.)          Aijaupiak.

Slip              Piaggik;


Slip.             n. Ilupâk.

Slip and fall.     Kuittâk.

Slippers.      Itigâtuinnak.

Slippers       kaukummâk.

Slippery.      Piattuk.

Slippery (black) ice, freezing rain, any ice so slippery as to cause on to fall      Kuasak.

Slop bucket kuvigâk.

Slope           Sivinganik.

Slope.          n. Atsak.

Slope           n. SitukKak.

Sloped to one side      Uvingak.

Slow.           Sukkaituk.

Slurp            v. Milutsik.

Smack         Patik.

Smacking noise being made.     Misappuk.

Small.          Mikijuk.

Small bird (not used for food). Kupanuak.

Small cod fish : only used in summer time. (see ogak)   Uittatok.

Small fish in general. Mingigiak.

Small of back   n. Kitik.

Small red bugs   n. Tuttuk.

Small sea worm     n. Tinguk.

Small spider      Nitjuk.

Smaller.       Mikinitsâk.

Smaller part. Its smallness. Mikininga.

Smallest.      Mikinippâk.

Smart, clever, skillful.     Pilluak.

Smell           Naik;



Smell (continuous).    Naimak.

Smelly, odorous    Tipalak.

Smelly or stink.    Mamaittuk.

Smelt (Osmerus mordax)     Kuleligaujak.

Smile           Kungak.

Smoke.        Isik;

                   v. Isik.

Smoke a cigarette Sikarek.

Smoked trout or meat.    Isigitsiak.

Smoking pipe   Supogutik.

Smooth       Manitsak.

Smooth.      Manittuk.

Smooth place   Manittuk.

Smoothing plane   Maniksaut.

Smother.     v. Ipik.

Smother (kill) something or someone     Ugiannik.

Smutty harp (dark phase harp seal).   Evak.

Smutty harp (starveling Harp seal)     kuitijuitukuluk?

Snake          Kullugiak.

Snatch.        Atsâk.

Sneaker.      Itigainnak.

Sneezes. The dog sneezes from eating salty food.         Tagiuppuk.

Snipe (common snipe, Gallinago gallinago).     n. Appingik.

Snipe (common snipe, Gallinago gallinago). (Kangisutjuak dialect)       n. Siggutojok.

Snore           Kannguik.

Snot.           v. kakkik.

Snow           Kannik.

Snow bird (Snow bunting, plectrophenas nivalis)           Amauligâk.

Snow blind. Illuik.

Snow crab (Lebbeus groenlandicus)     n. Putjotik.

Snow drift    Kimutjuk.

Snow goose (chen caerulescens)    kanguk.

Snow house (igloo)     Illuvigak.

Snow in one's boots    n. Maujak.

Snow in whirlwinds     PekKusirvigik.

Snow lark (Lapland Longspur, Calcarius lapponicus)     Nasauligâk.

Snow that has fallen   Aputik.

Snowbank around house Ninngik.

Snowdrift     Tipvigut.

Snowed in.   Apik.

snowfall       v. Kannik.

Snowknife   Savitsuk.

Snowmobile, a loan word from English. Sikitok;


Snowmobile track.     n. Aluk.

Snowshoe hare (Lepus americanus)    Ukaliatsiak.

Snowshoes   n. Talluk.

Snuff           NaKtautik.

Snuffs.         TakKisuivik.

Soak            n. kinik.

Soap            Upvautik;


Soapy liniment, ointment against rheumatism Kuajâk.

Social services, welfare   NiKitâgutik.

Sock.           Alittik.

Sock            Pinigaujak.

Sod.             n. Itjuk.

Sod house.   Illusuak.

Soft.            AKittuk;


Soft drink.   Imikuluk.

Soft palate   Nigiliktak.

Soft snow.   Manngomivuk.

Soft snow falls Masavuk.

Solder          kusitsiak;


Soldier         Unatattik.

Soldier, a loan word from English.      Sojjak.

Sole.            Aluk.

Sole leather for white skin boots of the finest white colour.     Kajippuk.

Sole of a shoe, boot   Alak.

Some of them. Ilangit.

Someone of whom we are despairing.      Kulannak.

Someone on night shift Pigâttik.

Someone the white of of whose eyes look bad through illness   Kuvitsaluttuk.

Someone the white of whose eyes looks bad through illness.     n. Kutitsak.

Someone who looks through of below out of ill humour with lowered head.      Kuvitsalungajuk.

Someone with spiritual powers.     n. Angakkuk.

Someone younger Nukadlik.

Someone's good belonging. PiKKuti.

Something asked for n. Kinuak.

Something designated for someone.   Pitsak.

Something flat.     v. Sâppatâk.

Something found on Christmas morning      v. Napvak.

Something in the eye.     Ijaguk.

Something made by hand     Sanâk.

Something made fun of. Mitautik.

Something stuck between the teeth    kukkik.

Something stuck in the throat v. Niutsik.

Something that is added to what is already there (used by older people)            n. TaulluKut.

Something that is being thawed out.   Autsiak.

Something to prevent rolling. Atsâgekkutik.

Something to wipe with.      Iggutik.

Sometimes. Ilangani.

Somewhere.      Sukutsik.

Son.             Innik.

Son‑in‑law Ningauk.

Soot            v. Pauk.

Sopping wet.    Igipak.

Sorcerer.      Angakkuk.

Sore.            n. Ânniak.

Sore throat.      Iggialigik.

Sorrel, an edible plant often found near bird nests (Oxyria digyna).      Kungulik.

Sorry.          v. kangâ.

So‑so (figure of speech). It is unsatisfactory because .... Unnet.

Soul             Tannik.

Sound of a sled and dogs on snow kaliggak.

Sound of the flight of an insect (see imilluanik= buzzing)         Sulutsak.

Soup.           v. Alutsâk.

Sour             Sennatuk.

South.          Âni;


South easterly wind.   Kavanganik.

South westerly wind. Uanniluak.

Southen direction Aunga.

Southerly wind.     Ikangâk.

Souvenir      Takujatsak.

Sow crops.   kannngasuik.

Space between the eyes. n. Akuliak.

Spacious, having more room    Nigutujtuk.

Spades in a deck of cards.     Isipi.

Spagetti or macaroni.     Inalojak.

Spagnum moss n. Utjuk.

Spank          v. Pattak.

Spark plug; a loan word from English.     Sipâppalak.

Spark plug (from Inna... a flintstone)     Innaitak.

Spatula (egg flipper)   Mumitsiutik.

Speak          UKak.

Speak a foreign language      UKavigok.

Speak English   v. UKavigok.

Speaking      Nilliak.

Speaks ill of someone     UKalatiutivâ.

Speaks well.      UKatsiasok.

Spear           Kulugiak;

                   v. Nuik.

Spear, lance for hunting.      Kalugiak.

Spear to catch birds, Leister     Nuit.

Spear with three‑prongs (for catching fish). kakivak.

Spears himself.      Tovuk.

Speed boat. v. AKumigok.

Speedboat    Nilittupok.

Speedometer    n. Situnati.

Spell            v. kititsik.

Sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) males come north.      n. Apvik.

Spice           Saniujak.

Spider.         Âsivak.

Spill             kuvik;


Spill intentionally      Nâvitsik.

Spin around kaivik.

Spine           Kujapigak;

                   n. Kimilluk.

Spinster       n. Uiggasuk.

Spire            Nuvugusik.

Spit             Ugiak;

                   v. Ugiak.

Spit on someone, shout them down    Kitsiak.

Spitting blood. v. Aungijak.

Splash          SippaKik.

Splashes.      UsikKapuk.

Splay‑footed. He walks with his feet out. Sappitujuk.

Splinter       v. Sukkik.

Split.           Kunnâk.

Split            Kupik;


Split fish      Okkigik;


Spoil            Sujuk.

Spokesperson   n. UKatti.

Sponge.       Allagutik.

Spool of thread.    Ivalutsatalik.

Spoon.         Alutsautik.

Spot            Milak;


Spotted dog Ukiligiak.

Spotted whale (Narwhal, Monodon monoceros).          Âlluanguak;


Spouse         Aippak.

Spout           Sigguk.

Spray, splash several times Siggijak.

Spread         Siammak.

Spread out. Isivik.

Spread the legs out.    v. Allâk.

Spring          Upinngak.

Sprinkle       Sippasaik.

Sprinkler (Holy water)    Salummasaitik.

Sprinkles.    SikKigaivuk.

Sprit of a sail    Tikkugut.

Spruce gum n. Kulliak.

Spruce partridge (Canachites canadensis)     AKiggilik.

Spruce tree Napâttutuinnak?

Sputum        v. Nuvak.

Spy glass      n. Kinngutik.

Squall hawk (Northern hawk‑owl, Surnia ulula) Imaingatak;



Square.         TigikKutok.

Square          TigikKutujok.

Square flipper (bearded seal, Erignathus barbatus).         Utjuk.

Square, has four angles . Ittugippuk.

square headed object   Kuatjulik.

Squash         Semitsik.

Squat           v. Kâk;

                   v. Semitsik.

Squat a lot of things   Kagaik.

Squats          AKuvippuk.

Squint from the sun    Kinngak.

Squint‑eyed Nakungak.

Squirrel (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus or (Northern Flying Squirrel, Glaucomys sabrinus)    Sitsik.

Stab.            kapik.

stacked objects, (boards etc.)    Paksâk.

Stagger        Uggujak.

Stairs           Majotik;


Stamp, a loan word from English. Sitamipi.

Stand           Nangik;


Stand up      Nikuvik.

Standing.     n. Napajuk.

Stapler; a loan word from English (clipper).     kilipagik.

Star             Ullugiak.

Star fish.      Ennik.

Stare in amazement   v. Tatamik.

Stares.         Ukijivuk.

Starry night      Ullugialijak.

Start.           Ingiggâlak.

Start            Pigiak.

Start a fire. Ikualaik.

Start to have bad blood circulation (feel pins and needles); also to feel weakness after and illness.    PiKâk.

Starter.        Ingiggasiutik.

Startle         v. Kuatsâk.

Starve          v. Pillik.

Statue.         Inunnguak.

Statue          kotinnguak.

Stay here     Mânek.

Stay in one place Kikak.

Stay up all night    Pigâk.

Steady at work Nakuajik.

Steal.           Ivajak.

Steal            Tillik.

Steam          Pujok;

                   v. Pujok.

Steamer (ie Northern Ranger) Pujulik.

Steel            n. Sisak.

Steep slope MajukKak.

Steer a boat.     AKuk.

Steering wheel.      n. AKotik.

Stem of a Kamutik     Uinnik.

Stem of a plant     n. Kimilluk.

Stem of boat    Sivuk.

Stems and leaves of a bakeapple plant.   AppinnaKutik.

Step brother‑in‑law n. Ningaunnguak.

Step on        Tutik.

Step on a ladder    n. Tulligâk.

Step son‑in‑law Ningaunnguak.

Step‑brother of a girl. Aninguak.

Step‑daughter Paninguak.

Step‑father. Atâtanguak.

Step‑mother. Anânanguak.

Stepping on something   n. Tulligâk.

Steps on stairs Tummigâk.

Step‑sister of a boy. Najanguak.

stern of boat    v. AKuk.

Stern or pay trick (arctic tern, Sterna paradisea).         ImikKutailak.

Sternum       katKutak.

Stethoscope     n. Nâlautik.

Stethoscope.    n. Tusâgutik.

Stick in.       kapputik.

Stick of wood   n. Kijukuluk.

Sticky          Nipittâk.

Stiff.            IKak;


Stiff             Napik.

Stiffen         Kigattak;


Stiffen in death     Tijik.

Stingy.         Ilippauk.

Stingy          Nidlinguk.

Stingy person. Ilippak.

Stink           Mamaitsunik.

Stink. It stinks.     Mamanngituk.

Stitch in sealskin boot    n. Ummak.

Stitch the inside of boot bottoms.      Atunngik.

Stock of a firearm      Sakkutalik.

Stocking.     n. Alittik.

Stolen article or goods    Tilligâk.

Stomach      AKiaguk;

                   v. Nâk.

Stomach pains n. Pullak.

Stool or anything used for reaching up for something. Ikuggak.

Stop            kigik;


Stop! (command to dogs).   Â.

Stop, give up OR to decide not to do what he originally wanted to do   v. Unik.

Stop several times in succession (person or object)       Unikkattak.

Stores it away, puts things in order.    PigiakKaik.

Storm          AkKunak.

Stormy        n. AkKunak.

Story teller.      UnikKautte.

Stout           n. Milugiak.

Stout (Horse flies and Deer flies (Tabanidae) ) Milugatsak.

Straddle.      Allâk.

Straight.      Sittungaik.

Straight       v. Nagguk.

Straighten.   Sittuk.

Straight‑grained (wood). Ipageppuk.

Strain muscles Sannik.

Strait.          Ikigasak.

Strawberry. Akpiujak.

Strecher       kakautik.

Strength      Sannginik;

                   n. Nukik.

Stretch        Tasik.

Stretch dried sealskin kiliuttuik.

Stretcher     Akiagautik.

Striae only on sea ice in formation    n. Kupugâk.

Strike someone     Tilluk.

String          Kilautik.

Stripe          Kupugâk.

Striped.        Kupugâk.

Striped animal Napuagullâk.

Stroke         n. Tittak.

Strokes.       Tillaijaivuk.

Strong.        Pitsatujuk;



Strong (string, rope). Ninngujuk.

Strong twine     Tukatsiak.

Stuck           Nipik;


Stuck on      Nipinngak.

Stumbles.     Appalittupuk.

Stumbles in speaking, stutters or stammers over words.            kipujungavuk.

Stupid.         IkKumanngituk.

Stutter.        Ittugik.

Stutters, pronounces incorrectly. kutappuk.

Sub‑zero weather. Kuannatuk.

Suck            Milluak;


Suck the breast or bottle.     Amâmak.

Sudden death    Nusilinnik.

Suddenly, all of the sudden. TaggainaK.

Suet             Punnik.

Suffer          Siunniuk.

Suffocate someone to death on purpose.      Ipitik.

Sugar           Sukarak.

sugar, a loan word from English.   v. Sukak.

Sugar almond    Tamuagak.

sugar; loan word from English. v. Sukarak.

Suitcase, a loan word from English.    Sokkesi.

Sum             n. Ununnik.

Summer.      Aujak.

Sun              SiKinik.

Sun reflects its light or heat off... Akisuppuk.

Sunbeam.     IsaKutâk.

Sunday; a loan word from German.     Sontâg.

Sunglasses.   Iggâk.

Sunny          SiKinigâk.

Sunny for a bit SiKinigâgalâk.

Sunrise         n. Kauk.

Sunshine      SilakKik.

Suntan         Palik.

Superficial in one's thinking     Katuinnâk.

Support       Najummikutak.

Surname.     Atigusik.

Surpass someone   Pitik.

Surprise       Suinngainik;


Surrounding it. Avatâ.

Suspect.       kangesuk.

Suspect        v. Puisuk.

Suspect something     Malugusuk.

Swallow.      Ek.

Swallow medicine.      Esik.

Swamp.        Imatsuk.

Swan            Kutjuk.

Swear against God, etc.   UKâpiluak.

Swear at someone UKannilotjik.

Sweat.          Ipik.

Sweat profusely, with a fever    kiangijak.

Sweater        Atigiappak;


Sweater; loan word from English. Suvetak.

Sweats.        kiaguppuk.

Sweep          Sanik.

Sweep the floor     Saningik.

Sweepings.   Attulukuluk.

Sweet.          Mamattuk.

Sweet biscuit     n. KakKojâKulak.

Sweet tinned fruit Mamattuk.

Swim           Puitjuk.

Swimsuit      Puitjotik.

Swing           Kangattaujâpvik;



Swipe           v. Tilligak.

Switch.        Ikigak;

                   v. Tautsek.

Swollen        Pullik.

Swoop down.    v. Autsâk.

Sword          n. Savitsuk.

Swordfish (male), thrasher (female) (Killer whale, Orcinus orca)(n.).    v. Âlluk.

Syringe.       kapitsiutik.

T    t


Table           v. Sâk.

Tablecloth   Sâtsajak.

Tail fin of a fish   Millugak.

Tail of a bird    Papik.

Tail of a fish    Papiguk.

Tail of a whale      Papvik.

Tail of land animals   Pamiuk.

Tainted or rancid.      v. Utik.

Take           Tiguk.

Take a good look Ulinnaituik.

Take a piece off. Ilanngak.

Take a step.     Alluk.

Take apart, to unravel.   Iguttik.

Take away. v. Atsâk.

Take care of    Paitsik.

Take it easy     SilakKijak.

Take off      Pek.

Take off the ice    Simmejak.

Take off the skin Kisek.

Take surreptitiously   Tilligak.

Take turns   Nallikâk.

Take with force from someone.    v. Atsâk.

Take with oneself      v. Nitsâk.

Takes another path, goes by another way.   Asiggupâk.

Takes away someone's goods.   kummagutivâ.

Takes it out further to sea. Sâvippâ.

Takes something home. Minappuk.

Talc            Ogigekkutik.

Tales           n. Unikkausik.

Talk            UKâlak.

Talk about something or someone     UKâlautiKak.

Talk of several things, discuss several things.   UKalagalâk.

Tall.            Takijuk.

Tame.         v. Manimmik.

Tangle.        IlaKik.

Tangly hair Tutuk.

Tap             v. Tittatâk.

Tap (faucet)     kuviutik.

Tape recorder Nipiliugutik.

Target missed by firing too far to the right Sarpikutak.

Taste.          v. Niutsik.

Taste           v. Ottuk.

Tattoo        Tummi.

Tax             n. Tapik.

Tea; loan word from English.   Tek.

Teach.         AjuKittuk.

Teacher.      Ilinniatitsijik;


Teal (Blue‑winged teal, anas discors) Kiutungiak?

Teal ?(Green‑winged teal, Anas crecca carolinensis) Sâggak.

Teapot        Tepâttik.

Tear            Alik;

                   v. Mappik.

Tear up       Alittuk.

Tear up a letter in several pieces   Kulluppâ.

Tears           Kuvvik.

Tears.          Makiappuk.

Tease          Pijâgik.

Teaspoon.   Alutsautiatsuk.

Telephone, a loan word from English.    Vonnik.

Telescope, spyglass, table of contents (what is used to search for something)   Kinigutik.

Television   Takunnagutik.

Tell             n. UKak.

Tell a lie      Salluk.

Tell a story Unikkâtuak.

Tell someone to stop doing something. Inittik.

Tells it to someone OR looks for shelter, a defender    v. Unnisiuppuk.

Tells of his gratitude thankfullness for being helped or well fed            v. Unnisiuppuk.

Tells the truth.     killijijuk.

Tempted     Ottutauk.

Ten.            Tallimaujutut.

Ten (from Kulik, upper limbs) Kulit.

Ten; loan word from German. Senat.

Tender        Maippuk.

Tent            Tupik.

Tent anchor     v. Piguk.

Tent canvass    Tupitsajak.

Tent pole    Kanak.

Test the snow several times continuously (to find good snow for building a snowhouse).      kapuggaluk.

Testicles.     Itjuk.

Thank         Nakummik.

Thank you. Nakummek.

Thankful.    IKianak.

Thankful     Kujalik.

That, further down.   kannanelik.

That is very good, very nice (that it is so)   Nakullarpuk.

That kind.   Taimaittuk.

That near above   Tappina.

That one.    Ikinna;


That one (about whom one is about to speak) who is in the south. rel. assuma, pl. akua      Anna.

That one, instead.      Tainnangâk.

That one (not present but visible, in the distance, beyond).      Inna.

That one (not seen). Itsuma.

That one there, above.   Panna.

That one, who is about to speak, who is far off, who is on the other side, who is to the north      Amna.

That part of him of which was mentioned   Takkusik.

That there below Taikingna.

That way.    Taimâk.

That which is necessary.      Pigialik.

That which we want done.   n. PikKujak.

That's all for now; that's it. Taimasâk.

That's amazing! marvelous!, expression of admiration and surprise.     Illukki.

The one closer here. Mânisik.

Theatre       Movipvik.

Them.         Taikkununga.

Then.          Tagga;


There.         Tapvani.

There is one set aside for him. Pitsalik.

There it is. Taika;


There to the south (a person points).     Tâga.

Therefore, since that time. Because. Taimaimmat.

Thermometer. Itjisiutik.

Thermometer Silanniutik.

Thermos     OnattuKautik.

These.         Makua;




They play hide a seek.    IjeKattautijut.

Thick.         Itjujuk.

Thick end of a whip   Tigagut.

Thick root of a tree   Miminnak.

Thief           Tilliguk.

Thigh          Kuttugak.

Thimble.     n. Tikik.

Thin (man or animal)     Uvineguttuk.

Thing taken.    Najuttik.

Things that hang to dry (clothing, fish nets, fish, ect.)             Iniat.

Think.         IsumaKak.

Think another is good, worthy.    Piusuk.

Think highly of.   v. Atsuguk.

Think someone is of little worth Nikagik.

Thinner       Salulik.

Third           Pingajua.

Third.          Pingajuk.

Thirty odd thirty rifle; a loan word from German.        Taraitijik.

This evening.   n. Unnusak.

This is what is says, how it goes.   Imailivuk.

This one      Una.

This one, this inside   Kamna.

This part of oneself   Ukutsik.

This spring.      n. Upinngak.

This summer.   n. Aujak.

Those.         Taikkua.

Those two are alike. Atjigek.

Those two are uneven.   kipuppok.

Thought.     n. Isumak.

Thread.       Ivalutsak.

Thread        Nuvik.

Thread a needle    Nuvisik.

Threaten another person     Unammisuk.

Threatens.   Siluppuk.

Three; loan word from German.    Tarai.

Three (of them). Pingasut.

Three‑toed woodpecker (Picoides tridactylus) Tuggaluk.

Throat.       Iggiak.

Through here. Maunâ;


Through over there. Tâgona.

Through that way.     Tapvona.

Through there.     Tamauna.

Throw.        Igitsik.

Throw and hit Miluk.

Throw at     n. Milugiak.

Throw away.    Igik.

Throws it into water.      SikKataivuk.

Thumb        kulluk.

Thumb and index fingers (finger used to grip)   v. Putjuk.

Thumb tack.    kikiakuluk.

Thunder.     kalluk;

                   v. kalluk.

Thursday; a loan word from German (donnerstag)        Tonistâg.

Thus ( refers to something which should follow, that is about to be said)          v. Imâk.

Tick            v. Tittatâk.

Ticket; loan word from English.   Tikittik.

Tickle         Kuinatsâk.

Tickle‑ass (kittiwake, rissa tridactyla). Nautsak ?

Ticklish       Kuinak.

Tidal island or peninsula      Kikittaujak.

Tidy.           IkKasuttuk.

Tie              Kilak;


Tie beams of a house Tatjak.

Tiger           Posivak.

Tighten       Sukak.

Tiller.          AKotik.

Tiller person in an umiak.   n. AKutti.

Time           n. Sitontik.

Tin container   KokKuk.

Tin (material used to make cans) Amittasajak.

Tinker (Razorbill auk, Alca torda)     Saviatsojak.

Tiny.           Ilutsituinnak.

Tip over      Uvik.

TIpped.       Uvingak.

Tired.          Ingulak.

Tired           Minngutuk.

Tired of doing something    Pinnguk.

Tired of listening or hearing     Tusânnguk.

Tired of or bored with something v. Agiutsik.

Tobacco; loan word from English.     Tupâki.

Today         Ullumi.

Toe             Putuguk.

Together     katinngak.

Toggle of bone     Utsik.

Toilet          Kuigiattuvik.

Toilet.         n. Anagiattuvik.

Toilet bowl n. Kupvik.

Toilet paper.    IKotitsajak;


Toilet soap kenatsiutik.

Told her or spoke to her     UKautjijuk.

Tomato, a loan word from English    Tumâtu.

Tongue        v. UKak.

Tongue depressor Aittangautik;


Tonsils        Kinidlik.

Too.            Amma.

Too bad it is so small. Don't mention it.      ketaugaluak.

Too late      Upaluk.

Tooth         kigutik.

Tooth brush     kigutiligiutik.

Tooth pick kukkilingijautik.

Toothache kigusigik.

Tooting owl (Boreal owl, aegolius funereus)     Ututojok.

Top.            Kulik.

Top             v. Kâk.

Top. Its top.    Kânga.

Top of the skull    Makkak.

Topple over     Ugguk.

Touch.        Attuk.

Touch         Tatsik;


Touch bottom v. Tuk.

Touch, feel to tell how it is to the touch     NaKitik.

Touch for a second    Tullak.

Touching the bottom.    n. Tunngak.

Tough (person).    Ninngujuk.

Tow.           kalik.

Towards it. Mitsanut.

Towards our east. SiKinittini.

Towards the west.      kangimut.

Towel.         n. Allagutik.

Towel, a loan word from English. Taulik.

Toy             v. Pinnguak.

Toy boat     Umiannguak.

Toy dog      n. Kimminguak.

Trace of a dog.     Ipiutak.

Track          Tutjak.

Tractor       Nunakkojogâluk.

Tractor track   n. kukik.

Traditional Inuit lamp    Kullik.

Train           Nunakkojok;


Trample      Tullisik.

Translucent quartz     Alikut.

Trap foxes Tigiganniak.

Travel.        Ingiggak.

Travel by dog‑team Kimutsik.

Tray            Pogutâluk.

Treat humanely    Pitsiak.

Tree            Napâttuk.

Tree bark    v. Amigak.

Tremble      Sajuk.

Trick           Uppisâk.

Trigger guard    SiKumigekkutik.

Trigger on a gun   Kilullak.

Trip up.       Nâtsik.

Trip up        v. Nâtlek.

Trips.          Naukkiutivuk.

Trot            Ivakkak.

Trouble       v. Pikaluk;

                   v. Pilukak.

Trousers.     Kallek.

Trout (Brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis).   Ânâdlik.

Trout fisherman. v. IKalunniak.

Trout or char (arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus). IKaluk.

Trouting.     IKalunniak.

Truck          Atatotik.

Truly.          Nalâgut.

Trumpet      Tittulautik.

Trust           Sungittot.

Try             Ottuk.

Try and guess right    Nalautsâk.

Try to do something Pigasuak.

Try to hit someone   v. Pigasuak.

Try to keep someone in a good mood    Saipâtsak.

Trying on clothes      v. Ottugak.

T‑shirt. n. kiatik.

T‑shirt or vest n. Uviniguk.

Tuba (word of Greenlandic origin)      n. Tittulautik.

Tuberculosis.    Puvallunattuk.

Tuberculosis     Tepek.

Tuberculosis; loan word from English.    Tipikulosi.

Tuesday; loan word from German (dienestag)   Tenistâg.

Tune.          Iginak;


Tuning dial on a radio     Kiniutik.

Turn a page      Kuppik.

Turn back.   v. Utik.

Turn inside out     Ulik.

Turn over    Mappik.

Turn over.   Mumik.

Turn over    v. Pusik.

Turn to face     Sâk.

Turn your back on someone     n. Tunuk.

Turn your head to look Kiviak.

Turning harp seal.      Iva.

Turnip         Nakatannak.

Turre (Common murre, Uria algae).   Appak.

Turre (thick‑billed murre,Uria lomvia) n. Appak.

Tusk            Togâk.

Tweezers     Putjotik.

Twelve; loan word from German (zwolf).    Suvailva.

Twig            Kijukuluk;

                   n. Akiguk.

Twin           Magguliak.

Twine          Ujukkuajak.

Twisted tobacco    Kibjak.

Twitch a little Kullualak.

Two            Magguk.

Two at once     Tapitsik.

Two equals in size strength or power.     Naligek.

Two handed saw.   killuigutik.

Two; loan word from German (zwei).     Suvai.

Two people.     Inok.

Two related people.   Ilagek.

Type of fish (?)    Nipisak.

Typewriter Nenitsiutik.

U    u


Ugly.           IniKunanngituk.

Ugly sight.   Takuminanngituk.

Ulcer           n. Ajuak.

Umbrella     Kauseligekkutik;


Unable to do something Ajuk.

Unborn baby seal. Illauk.

Uncle, on father's side.   Akkak.

Uncle, on mother's side. Angak;


Uncle on mother's sister's side Ningaugâtsuk.

Uncomfortable.    Itluittuk.

Underarm    Unik.

Undergarment.      n. Ilupâk.

Undershirt or a tank top.     Ilullik.

Understand.      Ipatsik.

Understand Tukisiak;


                   v. Kaujik.

Undress       Usittik.

Ungava lemming (Dicrostonyx hudsonius). Avinngak.

Universe      n. Silatsuak.

Unmamed woman or teenaged girl     Uiggasuk.

Unpleasant.      KaKiannangituk.

Untamed.    Nujuattak.

Unwilling     Kunuk.

Unwillingness   Kununnik.

Unworthy.   Naggunattuk.

Unworthy    NalukKutik.

Up early in the morning      Ullâguk.

Up north, to the north. Avani.

Up there.     Paunnga;


                   Tappâni (Tappângat , Tappaunga, Tappauna).

Up there (to the west).   Pâni.

Up to you.   Isumannik.

Upper arm. AtsaKuk.

Upper back and shoulders (=tagigâk, the front legs, front flippers together with kiasik, the shoulder blades from seal and sea game)    Âgiak.

Upper lip.    kakivak.

Upper lip     Kangatsinâk.

Upper part. n. Kullik.

Upper part of body    Katigak.

Upside down     kutjangak.

Upstairs       n. Kulâk.

Upwards.     Kummut.

Urinate        Kuik.

Urine.          Itiguk.

Urine bottle     n. Kupvik.

Us, we three or more.     Uvagut.

Use.             Atuk.

Use all one's strength.     Ilungittuk.

Use both hands.    Illutuk.

Use strength.    Atsuguk.

Use toilet paper for what it was intended.    IKuk.

Used after a warning Unnet.

Used or worn thing.   Atunik.

Used toilet paper. IKotik.

Usually eats little NiKrikik.

V    v


Vacation      v. SilakKijak.

Vagina.        Âhâk.

Valuable       v. Atuk.

Value.          Illigik.

Value something   Niviuk.

Vandalize     v. Uivisâk.

Vanquish.     v. SâlaKak.

Vapour        Ujugumiak.

Vapour, steam that rises from a lake before is freezes. Kisuk.

Various things. Sunatuinnait.

Vase, container.    IluliKut.

Vegetable 'hair' eaten by Inuit   n. kuannik.

Vein            TaKak.

Venerial disease; a loan word from English. Veti.

Venerial disease, a loan word from English (syphilis)    Sipilisak.

Ventilator    Anugâgutik.

Verbally attack     v. Upattuk.

Verse; loan word from English.     Vias.

Versitile, ambiguous   Nakimannik.

Vexed (stomach contracts).      Nâkillivuk.

Vexing.        Sinaungavuk.

Vice             kimmautialuk.

Vinegar        n. Sennatuk.

Violin          Agiagutik.

Visibility.     Talligutinik.

Visible         SakKijâk.

Visible side. SakKâ.

Visit            Pulâk.

Visit another settlement      Niugguk.

Visit homes at Christmas     n. TakujaKattak.

Visitor         Pulâttik.

Visits him.   Nalitsapâ.

Visor           n. TikKiak.

Voice           v. Nipak;

                   v. Nipik.

Vomit          Migiak;

                   v. Migiak.

Voracious, eats rapidly    Aggappuk.

Vote.           v. Annigusuk.

W    w


Wade in water.      Ipigâk.

Wade or swim in water   Nalluk.

Wager, bet. v. Imigak.

Wagon.       kaliutak.

Wags it's tail, friendly     Inummak.

Waist          n. Katigak;

                   n. Kitik.

Waistcoat.   Ikiak.

Wait            UtakKik.

Wait in ambush     UtakKiuk.

Wake of a ship     Minngittunik.

Wake of fish    v. Kalak.

Walk           Pisuk.

Walk quickly.   Appangik.

Walking.     Pisunnik.

Walks along the beach.   Kutiguppuk.

Wall            Kammak.

Wall hanging    n. Ungammiutak.

Wallet, billfold      kenaujaKautik.

Walrus (Odobenus rosmarus)    Aivik.

Walrus skin v. kauk.

Want           Pigumak.

Want one's own way.      Ataniusik.

Want someone to do something   v. PikKujik.

Want to do more Uigik.

Wants it done to him. He wants to be hit.   Pijaugumajuk.

Wants more     Ukik.

War             Unatannik;

                   v. Unatak.

Warm.         kiappaluk;


Warm          Nigumik;


Warm oneself kijaKijak.

Warmth      n. Onattuk.

Warning      Tinnisâginik.

Warring       Unatak.

Wart           Unnguk.

Wash           Upvak.

Wash basin n. Upvavik.

Wash clothes. Iggutuik.

Wash dishes     Maggaligik.

Wash hung up on the line.   Iniak.

Wash rag     Maggaligiutik.

Wash tub.    Iggutuivik.

Wash your face.    Immik.

Washboard Ulotik.

Washed ashore on the beach.   Titjalukovuk.

Washer.       Iggutotik.

Washing machine.     n. Iggutuivik.

Washroom. n. Anagiattuvik.

Wasp (Parasitic Yellowjacket ‑ Dolichovespula adulterina). Igutsaujak.

Waste.         AsikKik.

Watch         TaliaK.

Watch a movie     TakujaKattak.

Watch, consider, admire, pay attention to. kamak.

Watches out for him from fear, being on his guard.      Ilimasuttuk.

Watchman. He is a watchman.      kamajik.

Water.         Imak;


Water is making a swirling noise. Nipalâppuk.

Water on ice under snow     kivinik.

Water pipe kopvik.

Water pump     Kalotik.

Water spring    Puilajuk.

Water, tasting something sour.     v. Sek.

Water well. Imittavik.

Waters sled irons. Nannuippuk.

Water‑soaked snow Misaligak.

Wave          Mallik;


Way of living. Inosik;

                   n. Ilusik.

Way of living   n. Piusik.

Way of speaking   n. UKausik.

Way of speaking English     n. UKavigogusik.

Way of walking    Pisosik.

We two.      Uvaguk.

Weak.         Sanngetuk.

Weak (refers to liquids). Pitsakittuk.

Weakness    Sanngenik.

Wear.          v. Atuk.

Wear out     v. Sujuk.

Wear the heel of the boot on the sole    Tummak.

Weasel (Least weasel, Mustelidae nivalis)    Tigiak.

Weather      n. Silak.

Weather is bright.      Nittavuk.

Wed            katititauk.

Wedge         Kutjautak.

Wedges an object into an opening (filling it thus).        kauvâ.

Wednesday; a loan word from German.   Metvog.

Weeds or dirt mixed into a fishing net    n. Sanik.

Week; a loan word from German (woche).   Vogik.

Weigh         Paunnik;

                   v. Ottuk.

Weigh on scales    kittitak.

Weighing scale      kittautik.

Weight        UKumainnik.

Well, I never! (astonishment when somehting happen the opposite way expected)      Sunaupva.

West           Pâni.

West of us. TakKitini.

Westerly wind.      Pângak.

Wet             Kausek.

Wet.            Kausittuk.

Wet or dirty (consequence of sweating or letting liquid flow).   kinak.

Whale baleen   n. SukKak.

Whale bone      SukKak.

Wharf.        Itsavik.

What.          Suna;

                   v. Sujuk.

What did you say?     Sua.

What does he say? What's the matter with him? What did he do?        Suvâ.

What fine weather.    SilakKi.

What is considered good, durable   Anippattuk.

What is in front of him, facing him   Nali.

What is situated higher but near, abstraction made as to whether it is situated futher inland or not.   Tik.

What is the truth Mitsilik.

What is to be a provision for a journey. TaKuatsaK.

What provokes astonishment admiration    Tataminnatuk.

What suits well (ie a warm garmet that fits well over another) TuKipuk.

What's the matter?    Suvet.

Wheel.        Atjaluak;


Wheel barrow   n. Akiagautik.

Wheel on an axis, but not a flywheel.     Atsajuak.

Wheel‑barrow. kailluagutik;


When?        Kanga.

When? (in the future)     Kakugu.

When the ice is formed Sikuppat.

Where.        Nauk.

Where is?    Nane.

Where to?   Namut.

Whetstone Sillitik.

Which one?     Nauk.

Which one of the two?   Nallia.

Which way?     Naukkon.

Whip.          Ipigak;


Whip           n. Ipiutak.

Whirl wind Ulalujak.

Whiskers     Umik.

Whiskey jack (gray jay, Perisoreus canadensis)            Kupanuatsuak.

Whisper.     Isitjugik.

Whistle       kokkuviak;

                   v. kokkuviak.

Whistling noises made.   Kianngulâvuk.

White          KaKuttak.

White animal all over(bear or dog)    PukiK.

White band on the outside of a women's trouser (made of white caribou fur)    PukiK.

White cap or head sparrow (white‑crowned sparrow, Zonotrichia leucophrys) kutsitak.

White coat seal     Pualulik.

White fish   Killalugak.

White fox (Alopex lagopus)     KaKuttâsuk.

White hairless larva   n. Kullugiak.

White ice along shoreline just before freeze‑up. AluKasijannik.

White of the eye Kutitsak.

White owl (Snowy owl, Nyctea scanduaca) v. Uppik.

White part (the underside of a caribou, seal and such animals that are white on the bottom.      PukiK.

White partridge or Barrener (rock ptarmigan, lagopus mutus) (n.).       Nitsâtuk.

White person   n. Kallunâk.

White screen used for seal hunting as a camouflage      Taluk.

White skin boots. IKattaituk.

White whale (Beluga, delphinpterus leucas) Kilalugak.

White whale skin v. Mattak.

Whiten        KaKutsik.

Whiten, bleach something. kakiatsijik.

Who?          kina.

Who cares. A worthless object or person, or incident of no importance.          IkKananngituk.

Who causes one to make a mistake    Uivigginattuk.

Who is some distance     Alivasittuk.

Who tells the truth    Mitsilik.

Whole.        Iluittuk.

Whose?       kia.

Why?          Sok.

Why? What for? Summat.

Wick in a stone lamp     n. Mangittak.

Wicked, cunning, malicious.     katsek.

Wide.          Nigutujuk;


Widens.       Tappapuk.

Widow.        Uigganik.

Widower      Nullennik.

Wife            Nuliak.

Wife.           n. Annak.

Wig or hair‑piece Nujannguak.

Wiggle.        IKuigillâk;


Wild animal     Nujuattak.

Will do something     v. Pigasuak.

Win             v. SâlaKak.

Winch         Nusutsiutik.

Wind.          Anugik.

Wind breaker   Anugautik.

Wind comes from different sides   Sunatuinnaligivuk.

Wind comes from the side. Sanniggivuk.

Wind direction indicator on a house or ship     TiggalâK.

Wind in his stomach.      Kuluappuk.

Wind off land. Situnnik.

Wind truns in every direction   Nakimannik.

Winding mechanism on a clock.   Sukatigiutik.

Window.      Igalâk.

Windpipe    Tutluk.

Windscreen Anugaulitak.

Wine; a loan word from English.   Wainnik.

Wing.          Isaguk.

Wing feather    Suluk.

Wink           SiKullak.

Winter        Ukiuk.

Wipe dishes, etc.   Allatigik.

Wipe hands on something. Ivik.

Wipe the feet on something.    Aluijak.

Wiped it.     Allâppâ.

Wire            Inaluat.

Wire; a loan word from English.   Waijak.

Wire mesh   killapait.

Wisdom       Silatunik.

Wise.           IsumakKutujuk;


With eyes open.   Uitak.

With that one, to that one.      Itsumunga.

Wither        v. Kunulik.

Without comparison.     AjugaKâgituk.

Wobby (Red‑throated loon, Gavia stellata) Katsauk.

Woman.      Annak.

woman's knife v. Uluk.

Woman's skin coat with tails in the back and front      Kulitak.

Womb.        Illiak.

Women's high‑heel shoes kimmikittuk.

Women's stockings    kanâkutâlik.

Wonder       Puisuk.

Wood.         Kijuk.

Wood drill   Putoggutik.

Wood shavings     n. Sappikuk;

                   n. Sapvikuk.

woodcock (american woodcock, scolopax minor)         n. Appingik.

Wooden beam n. Kuatjulik.

Wooden frame for drying fox skins, etc.     Pauttuvik.

Wooden stick for stretching dry skin boots (This tool has a wooden base on which the feet are placed to keep it upright and a rounded end that's used for stretching dried or shrunken skin boots.)     Kauliutik.

Wool           Tajaliugatsajak.

Word           n. UKausik.

Word of agreement.   Ilâ.

Work.         Suliak.

Work to be done   Suliatsak.

Works badly.    KaKiannapuk.

Workshop   Motaliupvik;


World          Nunatsuak;

                   n. Silatsuak.

worldly person.     n. Silatsuanguak.

Worm         n. Kullugiak.

Worm found in seaweed.      Ijiligak.

Worms of pools and lakes   Kumak.

Worn down by the wind Kakkisuk.

Worried       Siallik.

Worry.        kangâ.

Worry         Pingigak.

Worry.        v. Isumajâk.

Worry         v. Sivogak.

Worse         Piliumik.

Worthy of someone. Nalliggutauk.

Wound.       Ikkik.

Wound        Ukkinik.

Wounded area with no skin.     Ukinnik.

Woven basket.      Ammâggaujak.

Wrapper.     Imotik.

Wrench       Kiputalik.

Wretches with pain.   Aullaumajâppuk.

Wring          Sipvutuk.

Wrinkle or cuckoo (sea snail or whelk, buccinum undatum)      Siutiguk.

Wrinkle the nose Natsilâk.

Wrinkles.    Imulluk.

Wrinkly.     Imuligâk.

Wrist‑watch SiKinngujak.

Wrist‑watch. Tajak.

Write.         Allak.

Writer         n. Unikkausiliuttik.

Writhe        Nimajâk.

Writing pad.     n. Allavik.

Writing paper. Allavitsak.

X    x


X‑ray machine; a loan word from English. Itsalik.

Y    y


Yard (Imperial measure).     Jâritik.

Yard stick.   Jârittigutik.

Yawn           Aittauk.

Year before last.   Aggânitsâk.

Year; loan word from English. Jârik.

Year‑rings in tree. Ipak.

Yeast           Putjusautik;


Yellow.        Kutsutak.

Yellow stripe on the outside of the britches or trousers of an R.C.M.P.            PukiK.

Yelp            Miaggok.

Yelps (dog).     Mâppuk.

Yes              Â;


Yes, Certainly. I am in complete agreement.    Âhailâ.

Yes certainly (see ahaila)     Naumani.

Yes, just as I thought.     Anittaima.

Yes, yes!     Âha.

Yesterday.   Ippasak.

Yet, still      Suli.

You.            Ipvit.

You see, look! Takugit.

You, three or more.   Ilitsi.

Young.        Inosuttuk.

Young animal   Piagak.

Young jar seal. n. Natsiak.

Young male animal; a young buck      Angusalok.

Young sculpin. kanajugak.

Younger brother of a boy.   Nukak.

Younger sister of a girl. n. Nukak.

Youngest one   Nukadlipâk.

Yours.         Pet.

Z    z


Zero, has nothing SunaKangituk.

Zipper         Sejok;

                   v. Sejok.

Total number of entries: 4577